The Marriage Supper Parable - A Cartoon with Sound Effects, Music, and Scripture - A Teaching of Jesus in Matthew 22

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Monday, April 9, 2018

■ Steven’s Amazing Adventures, and the Future of the World ■ (PART 49) - ➤ "The Manhunt in a Siberian Forest" // ➤ "Earthquake in a Cavern" - (A STORY about the END TIMES, with Messages from God) (PART 49)

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Steven’s Amazing Adventures,
and the Future of the World

(A Story about the End Times 

with Messages from God)

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Steven's Amazing Adventures PDF.
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(Click to Read PART 1)
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(This story chronicles the adventures of Steven O'Neill, his wife Sarah, and their friends during the End Times. Judgment has already struck the U.S., and Steve and his friends have reached the vast continent of Asia. Witness the amazing things God will reveal about the coming kingdom of the Beast (or the Antichrist), the Mark of the Beast, and the Tribulation period. This story should keep you fascinated, as a realistic account of the future unfolds in the form of a fictional story.

(Click here to read this story in a PDF format.)
But, this story is not just a story. It contains messages from God and prophecies that actually shall happen. It is written as fiction with fictional characters, but the message of the story is very real, and the cataclysmic events, touched on in this story, will actually impact this earth as God’s Holy Bible and its prophecies unfold. The world will soon enter a time much like that portrayed in this story. I encourage you to seek God about this to see what He will show you.)

Miracles will abound and awesome sights will astonish people in these last days.

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Feel free to copy and paste this book or print it off at your pleasure. You can make as many copies as you want and save or print them. You can save this as a document. I offer this for free. I will make no money from this book. Just don't change the text by adding or removing words, letters, symbols, or numbers. I do this for the sake of getting the message out since we have little time left, compared to eternity. If you like, you can click here to print.


(Click here to see The Table of Contents #2.)
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Chapter Forty-Nine

ART 49: 
➤ "The Manhunt in a Siberian Forest" // ➤ "Earthquake in a Cavern"


“The Manhunt in a Siberian Forest”

- Russia -

Steve and Sarah O’Neill, Jason Harper, Kostya Bortnik, and Evegeny and Nadia Yugov were traveling through a forest outside of a logging town in southern Siberia. They had just left an underground bunker, which was owned by Kostya, after hearing from God that they needed to leave and travel to a different safe house. Unknown to them, their friend Alexei Khlebov was arrested by communist Russian soldiers. It is now late evening and the shadows are lengthening in the forest.


(Forest with dappled light. Pixabay. Free images.)
Snap! Snap! A sound came through the forest thirty yards* from Steve O’Neill’s left. Steve’s friends stopped in their tracks and listened to the forest as they held their breath. Turning to the left, Steve felt fear strike his heart.

[* Or about 27.43 meters.]

They were in an area of the evergreen forest where pine trees grew fairly close together and Siberian peashrub bushes appeared in dense patches throughout the woodland. The bushes, to the left, were so dense that Steve could not see what had made the snapping sounds, and the setting sun spread its fading light through the trees.

Kostya, wearing his signature fiddler’s cap, was slightly ahead of Steve. He quickly turned and placed a finger over his lips to make the group know to be absolutely quiet. Then, he turned back to listen intensely to the air.

A hand tapped Steve on the shoulder and he turned to see who it was. His wife, Sarah, looked at him with concern in her eyes. Then, she pointed to a small gap in the screen of Siberian peashrub bushes to Steve’s left. He turned slowly and squinted to try to spot what she had seen.

Gradually, Steve saw a partially concealed man holding an automatic rifle in his hands. His heartbeat increased and he felt fear tighten its grip on his chest. But, remembering how God had protected him from danger so many times before, Steve silently began telling God his fears and giving them to Him. The soldier’s face was covered by leafy branches, but Steve instantly recognized the man as a communist soldier since he was wearing camouflaged clothing, a helmet, special dark-green insignia, and combat gear.

The man appeared to be waiting for something, for he just stood in place and barely moved. He appeared to be listening. A few minutes of tense silence passed and then the soldier began walking forward again. He now seemed to be careful to avoid making unnecessary sounds.

After several more minutes passed, Kostya turned back to his new friends and said, “Folks, that was very close. That communist soldier almost spotted us. I thank our Abba Father God that He protected us and kept that man from seeing or hearing us. Certainly, the bushes blocked his view, but God must have kept him from hearing us.”

“How far do we have to go before we reach your next safe house, Kostya?” Sarah asked with a hint of nervousness in her voice.

“Walking for another day or two will get us to the safe house. But, we may need to travel for several hours during this night. So, we have about 56 kilometers* to go, according to my recollection,” Kostya said.

[* Or, about 35 miles.]

“Then, driving by car may possibly get us there in a little over 40 minutes,” Sarah said.

“But, there is no way we could take a car now,” Kostya said. “The roads are likely watched by ONI* and communist soldiers. We can’t take those chances.”

[* ONI stands for the Office of National Intelligence, a fictional communist government organization that is a high-tech form of the KGB.]

Kostya walked forward and began cautiously pushing his way through densely-packed Siberian peashrubs until he came out into a more open area where the trees and bushes were less dense. An owl hooted from some distance away: its voice echoing eerily through the dusky woods.

As Steve and the rest of the group passed through the leafy undergrowth, Evgeny said, “I pray that our friend Alexander will have a change of heart. He is harming his own spiritual wellbeing by his betrayal of us. But, I forgive him and I hope that he will repent and seek to know God personally.”

Evgeny Yugov was in his early forties. He was somewhat thin, had dark hair, which was slicked back under his watch cap, and wore 1960s-style glasses and warm clothing.

“I do too,” Steve said, turning toward the Russian.

“Evgeny and Nadia, may I ask you a question?” Jason Harper, a brown-haired, clean-shaven American, said as he walked a few feet from Evgeny.

Evgeny and his wife, Nadia, looked at Jason, with curious expressions, and Evgeny said, “What would you like to know?”

“How long have you known Alexander for?” Jason said.

Nadia, a 40-year-old, quietly stood beside her husband, dressed in women’s baggy trousers and a warm, dark-purple coat. She wore a purple watch cap and gloves. Long, brown hair flowed from under her hat and down her back.

“I’ve known Alexander for a couple years,” Evgeny said with some sadness in his voice. “He joined the Bible study my wife and I attended with Kostya. Kostya had met him through a mutual friend who had witnessed to Alexander. At that time, Kostya and I were certain that Alexander had a love for God and a desire to seek Him. He regularly read the Bible, prayed, and partook in evangelistic work, which is illegal in communist Russia. I knew I could trust him, until now.”

“Did you see any bad fruit in him before today?” Jason said. He wanted to find out exactly what it was that had brought Alexander to betray the group.

“Well…,” Evgeny said slowly as he thought. “I noticed that he seemed to be somewhat confrontational with people he disagreed with. And, he seemed somewhat reluctant to tell us anything about his own personal life. But, none of those things seemed too strange to us because we all can struggle with different problems in our lives.”

“But, I also noticed that Alexander seemed a little proud in how he spoke about himself,” Nadia said as she thought about the past.


“The Search”

- Russia -

“Belikov, Zimin, listen for any disturbance in the undergrowth. If you hear anything suspicious, let me know,” Corporal Mirov said over his two-way helmet-mounted radio.

(With his eyepieces down over both eyes, Corp. Mirov scanned
through some juniper and Siberian peashrub bushes in front of him,
hoping to catch sight of human forms.)
The men on Corp. Mirov’s fire team acknowledged his orders and continued slowly walking through the darkening pine forest in southern Siberia. According to ONI and Corp. Mirov’s commander, this section of the forest had an 80 percent chance of containing escaping non-conformist Christians. Corp. Mirov’s orders were clear. He was to either kill or capture the fugitives. But, unknown to Mirov and his fire team, they had just walked past six Christians who were concealed behind dense foliage.

Finding Christians in the woods wouldn’t be easy with the unaided eye, but Corp. Mirov had some military hardware which would greatly aid his search for non-conformist Christians. Equipped with state-of-the-art optics mounted on his helmet, he could see through dense bushes at night or during the day. New technology, which used unidirectional radio waves, could detect a human or animal behind a wall or screen. The radio waves were broadcast in a conical area directly in front of the helmet-mounted optics.

They passed through most substances, except for human beings and animals, which would deflect the light back to special sensors in his helmet. Using the radio frequency data, a processing unit in his gear created detailed images of people, who would otherwise be hidden from view. Also, infrared light was beamed from the optics to allow for night-vision in dark locations.

With his eyepieces down over both eyes, Corp. Mirov scanned through some juniper and Siberian peashrub bushes in front of him, hoping to catch sight of human forms. But, he only saw a few rabbits bed down under some nearby juniper bushes.

Hearing him approach, the nervous animals dashed out from under their cover and ran for fifty feet before they found another bush to hide under. The rustling flight of the rabbits made Corp. Mirov’s ears more attentive. He listened intently to the forest after signaling to his men to be completely quiet. A faint sound reached his ears from behind him. The corporal turned around and began scanning the bushes that he had walked past earlier.

His eyes suddenly locked onto something, and a slight grin appeared on his face. Something in his optics had caught his attention, and he felt his heart rate begin to increase. Without hesitating, the communist corporal raised his AK-74M machine gun to his shoulder and began to slowly walk in the direction of his new target.


“The Manhunt in a Siberian Forest”

- Russia –

Then, Nadia said, “One time Kostya was speaking to our Bible study group about the need to forgive people who have hurt us, and to repent from sin if we feel any conviction in our heart that we have done wrong. Alexander then spoke up and said something like, ‘What if a man killed your wife? Should you forgive him then? Didn’t the Bible say ‘an eye for an eye,’ meaning that justice must be served. If someone pokes out your eye, you can poke out their eye.’”

“But,” Nadia continued, saying, “Kostya told him something like, ‘Alexander, that was from the law of Moses and that particular rule only applied to the nation of Israel for dealing judicial punishment to offenders of the law. If a man purposefully gouged out his neighbor’s eye, a judicial court in Israel would hear the case and take witnesses to the stand. If two or more witnesses confirmed that a certain man had indeed gouged out another man’s eye, the offender would be given the punishment of having one of his eyes gouged out. This was gruesome punishment, but it was used in the same way the penitentiary system is used today to punish criminal behavior. But, Jesus taught us that we ourselves don’t punish anyone, and that we must forgive them.’”

Nadia pause a few seconds, to gather her thoughts, before she said, “Then, Alexander replied, saying something like, ‘That’s easy for you to say. If your wife slandered you behind your back and left you, then you’d understand me better.’ Kostya then told Alexander in essence that: ‘Slander is very hurtful, especially from someone close to you, but we must forgive the offender, like Jesus told us to.’ After that, Alexander had dropped that topic, but I remember what he had said and how he had been defiant in believing that he shouldn’t have to forgive his wife, who had slandered and left him.”

Just as Nadia finished speaking, something stirred in the bushes. Steve turned quickly to see what it was, and his eyes widened.


“Earthquake in a Cavern”

- Vietnam -

A large group of non-conformist, Asian Christians was living temporarily in tents in a large cavern, beneath a Vietnamese jungle. The cavern was connected by a natural gallery to another cavern which was linked to an old, underground Vietcong base. The Christians had traveled there from many parts of Asia and were making a journey to cities of refuge in Southeast Asia.

Just recently, a platoon of imperial PLA soldiers had discovered the entrance to the underground base and had swept through it, and had soon reached the cavern, but a miracle of God had driven the soldiers away. However, having great zeal to stamp out true Christianity, once and for all, the PLA was not going to leave those non-conformist Christians alone, now that they had discovered one of their “safe houses.”

It was only a matter of time before the PLA would attack again.


(Cavern. Pixabay. Free images.)
A rumbling sound filled the air as the rocky ground in the large cavern began to tremble and shake. It was an earthquake! Hu Zheng opened his eyes and rolled over in his sleeping bag. The ground was shaking beneath the tent he was staying in. He sat up and unzipped the sleeping bag.

He was still fully dressed in his daytime clothes, so he hustled over to the tent entrance and unzipped it. Sheng Ye, a former Chinese soldier, was slipping out of his sleeping bag as Hu rushed toward the entrance. In different corners of the same tent, Quang and Cheng Yuan were coming awake.

Boom! A powerful thud came from thirty feet away. Hu, wearing one shoe and holding the other, hopped on one foot a few feet from the tent, and looked to the right. A boulder the size of car had fallen to the floor of the large cavern, fracturing into three large chunks. Thankfully, it had landed outside the large encampment of tents.

The ground continued to shake, and the rumbling persisted. Boom! Crack! Another boulder plunged to the floor and instantly shattered into many fragments on impact. It had landed just fifty feet from Hu’s neighbor’s tent, and some large fragments had struck the ground almost ten feet* from Hu’s tent.

[* 3.04 meters is about 10 feet.]

“Dear Jesus, please protect us from this earthquake,” Hu said as he looked fearfully at the cavern ceiling with all its stalactites.

More chunks of rock broke off from the rocky ceiling and crashed to the ground like giant, mineral hailstones. It seemed as if the cavern would bury them alive. If just one stone struck any person in the cavern, he or she would be dead or severely injured, depending on the size of the stone. ‘This must stop!’ Hu thought fearfully to himself. ‘We will all be dead if this earthquake doesn’t stop very soon.’

(Boom! A powerful thud came from thirty feet away.
Hu, wearing one shoe and holding the other, hopped on
one foot a few feet from the tent, and looked to the right.
A boulder the size of car had fallen to the floor of
the large cavern, fracturing into three large chunks.)
The rumbling and falling rocks continued, and more chunks of stone crashed to the cavern floor, creating a new landscape of natural rubble. Some dust filled the air as the stones fragmented with each impact. Hu continued to pray and anxiously ask God for divine protection for the entire encampment of Christians.

After a full 60 seconds had passed, the rumbling died down, and soon came to an end. A dislodged boulder smashed into a stalagmite and broke the pointy top off before it struck the ground with a resounding thud. Hu held his breath and waited. Twenty more seconds passed with no rumbling and no falling rocks. Finally, Hu inhaled as he watched dust settle. He was still holding a shoe in one hand. So, he stooped to slip it on and tie the shoelace.

Hu then walked over to a large boulder fifty feet away, passing by a couple tents belonging to other Christians, and when he reached the base, Hu began scaling the bolder with his hands and feet. He wanted to get a better view of the aftermath of the earthquake. At the summit of the giant stone, he turned to the left and right, and scanned over the encampment and over the rock-strewn cavern.

The entire encampment was free of large boulders. While a few pineapple-sized stones (or smaller) had struck unoccupied areas of the encampment, not a single stone had struck any of the tents where the people were sleeping. But, the rest of the cavern, immediately outside the Christian encampment, was filled with boulders, piles of jagged rock fragments, and shattered pieces of stalagmites. It was now impossible to travel back through the underground gallery the way Hu and his friends had come when they had first reached the cavern.

Now, it seemed that the Christians were stuck in a cavern with no visible way out. Their only means of egress, the underground gallery, was entirely blocked by huge boulders. And, besides obstruction of the fallen boulders, imperial PLA soldiers were in the jungle outside the surface entrance Hu and his friends had first descended through. They were waiting for any Christians to emerge.

“What do you see up there, Hu?” Sheng said, looking up at his friend.

Cheng Yuan was approaching Sheng as he spoke.

“It appears that we are trapped,” Hu said, glancing down at his friend who stood near a tent below. “The passageway we took to get here is blocked by boulders.”

Hearing that news brought fear to Sheng’s heart. ‘Are we really trapped?’ he wondered. ‘We’ll die in here if that is the case.’

Cheng Yuan passed by Sheng and walked toward Hu’s boulder. On reaching it, he began climbing until he too was standing at the summit. Breathing a little deeper as he reached the top, Cheng Yuan stood beside Hu and scanned over the cavern, which was miraculously lit up by a supernatural, glowing cloud near the ceiling. He scanned over the cavern, feeling fear reach the pit of his stomach as the realization donned on him that he might be trapped in that cavern.

“Hu,” Cheng Yuan said to the younger man, “I think we will need some dynamite.”

Hu glanced at his older friend before he turned back to gaze out over the cavern and its multitude of stalagmites and fallen boulders. He could tell that the cavern was mostly covered with stones, but not all of it was strewn with boulders.

Then, something caught his attention. Hu noticed a dark circle in the wall at the far end of the cavern and squinted at it. It was hard to make out exactly what it was, but the dark patch was certainly different in color than the rock walls and ceiling of the cavern. And, Hu didn’t remember seeing it before.

“Cheng, do you see that dark spot in the wall?” Hu said, pointing at the distant, dark patch in the cavern wall.

“What?” Cheng Yuan said as he tried to follow Hu’s finger.

Then, Cheng Yuan’s eyes lit up with delight and a grin broke out on his face. “Do you realize what that is, Hu?” he said with elation.

“I’m not sure, but …”

“It is a natural opening that I’ve never seen before. There may still be a way out of this cavern,” Cheng Yuan said, excitedly, interrupting Hu.

Before Hu could say anything more, Cheng Yuan began scrambling down the boulder. Once he reached the ground, he hustled over to Quang, a 44-year old, who was talking with a neighbor. Reaching his Vietnamese friend, Cheng Yuan said, “Quang, I believe we have discovered a way of escape from this cavern. We need to tell Guang Yan about this soon. The people in this encampment are probably concerned about our situation.”

“What have you discovered?” Quang asked, looking at his friend with a quizzical expression.

The neighbor man also looked curiously at Cheng Yuan.

“There appears to be a tunnel or gallery entrance in the cavern where no entranced existed before, at least as far as I’m aware,” Cheng Yuan said.

“Then, let’s tell Guang Yan,” Quang said.

Before long, Quang, Cheng Yuan, Hu, and Sheng were all standing before an elderly man who appeared to be in his late sixties or early seventies. He wore a long, white beard, two-inch-long white hair, and a flowing, dark-brown changshan tunic and hiking boots.

Standing near him were some other Asian men Sheng had met in the jungle earlier. Three Vietnamese men, Long, Minh, and Tien, stood to one side of Guang Yan. Wei, a former PLA lieutenant; Sonthi, a Thai man; Sommat and Bounkong, Laotian men; and Wu, a young, former Chinese PLA soldier, stood on Guang Yan’s other side. (Lt. Wei had just received Jesus Christ several hours earlier.)

Hu informed Guang Yan about his discovery of a possible new entrance in the cavern. He also told the elderly Christian leader how the old gallery entrance was entirely blocked by fallen boulders.

“It is a miracle we were not crushed by the boulders, but God was protecting us,” Guang Yan said. “I’m glad to hear that there is another means of egress into and out of this cavern. But, even if there wasn’t, Jesus Christ is the door. He would never leave us trapped in a cavern with no way out. After all, as I said, Jesus is the door, and He is the door in more ways than one.”

“What do you mean by that?” Lt. Wei said, curious.

Guang Yan replied, “The Lord Jesus Christ is the door to salvation, as Jesus Himself said in John 10:9-10. Here is exactly what Jesus said in those verses: ‘[9] I am the door: by me if any man enter in, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture. [10] The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.’”

“There is no other way to be saved, except through Jesus Christ,” Guang Yan added. “But, Jesus Christ is also our Deliverer and God. King David said in Psalm 18, and in many of the psalms, that God is our High Tower and our Fortress. God will not forsake us. He will never let us be trapped to die. If we call upon Him, He will surely deliver us, for we are His people and His dear children.”

“What does Psalm 18 say about God being our Fortress?” Lt. Wei asked.

Smiling at him, the elderly pastor said, “Psalm 18:1-3 says: ‘[1] {To the chief Musician, A Psalm of David, the servant of the LORD, who spake unto the LORD the words of this song in the day that the LORD delivered him from the hand of all his enemies, and from the hand of Saul: And he said,} I will love thee, O LORD, my strength.

“‘ [2] The LORD is my rock, and my fortress, and my deliverer; my God, my strength, in whom I will trust; my buckler, and the horn of my salvation, and my high tower. [3] I will call upon the LORD, who is worthy to be praised: so shall I be saved from mine enemies.’ King David had many enemies, but not one of them physically harmed or killed him. David died from old age. God was faithful to protect him all the years of his life.”

“Didn’t David steal another man’s wife and have that man killed?” Long said, looking at Guang Yan. He had been listening closely as he rolled up a sleeping bag someone had given him.

“He did,” Guang Yan said, “but David truly repented from his sin, and felt true remorse. He realized he had done a great evil against God and two people: Bathsheba and her husband.”

Guang Yan cleared his throat and said, “It all started when David had lusted after Bathsheba, and she had lusted after him, and they had committed adultery and fornication with each other. David then had Joab (the commander of David’s army) order Uriah, Bathsheba’s husband, to be near a city wall in the midst of a fierce battle. Joab then had his men retreat, without telling Uriah about it. Uriah was killed by enemy arrows since he was an easy target. After hearing that news from a messenger, David married Bathsheba, but God was very unhappy with David for his sin.”

Guang Yan looked from one face to another as he said, “God sent Nathan, a prophet, to David to warn him about his sin and the consequences of it. David, who became very remorseful, repented, and asked God for forgiveness. He was forgiven, but certain consequences followed. The devil was allowed to kill David and Bathsheba’s firstborn son, who went to be in paradise.”

Guang Yan reached down and picked up a water bottle. He drank deeply from it, sighed contentedly, and snapped the lid back on before he continued, saying, “Then, the devil was allowed to stir up problems in David’s own household, which culminated in Absalom, David’s son, seeking to kill David and take all of Israel for himself. Sin always has consequences that naturally follow the sin, but our genuine repentance truly cleanses the sin away by the blood of Jesus, so that all our sin is gone from our account.”

“Does that mean that I can continue sinning if I repent each time?” Long said.

If you plan on repenting after you sin, or before you sin, that is false repentance,” Guang Yan said. “False repentance is merely saying words so that you can feel less guilty about your sin and to somehow ‘appease’ God. True repentance happens when you recognize that you disobeyed God and grieved His Spirit, and you truly choose to forsake the sin you just did. You consider sin to be like poison, especially sin you are aware of. For, sin is the devil’s weapon against a Christian. By way of deception and sin, the devil can tempt Christians to deny the Lord Jesus Christ.”

“When we’re tempted with sin, what do we do?” Lt. Wei said. He was a new Christian and wanted to know the answer to this problem.

1 Corinthians 10:13 tells us that God always provides a way of escape from any sin or temptation,” Guang Yan said.

“What does that verse go like?” Lt. Wei said.

“I memorized it so, I can quote it for you,” Guang Yan said. “1 Corinthians 10:13 says: ‘[13] There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it.’”

Guang Yan continued, saying, “The answer is to tell God about it, seek God about it, and listen to Him as He responds to you. For, Abba Father God will reply to your questions if you wait on Him and expect Him to answer. You are basically telling God what you are feeling and what you are being tempted by. Then, you are surrendering it fully to Him. And, you are repenting from giving it any access to your heart or life.”

“Just like that?” Lt. Wei said.

“Just like that,” Guang Yan repeated, smiling. “Abba Father God desires to have a personal, close relationship with His children. He doesn’t want us to think of ourselves first and foremost as servants. Rather, He wants us to think of ourselves as sons of God and as friends of God. We are very dear to God, and He loves us very, very much. His love for us is far better than any human kind of love we see on earth. So, we can talk to God and listen to God, and be very close friends with God, because He designed us to have close, intimate fellowship with Him.”

“Is there any scripture about us being sons of God?” Lt. Wei said.

“Yes,” Guang Yan said. “There are several verses about this truth. As one example, Galatians 4:6-7 says: ‘[6] And because ye are sons, God hath sent forth the Spirit of his Son into your hearts, crying, Abba, Father. [7] Wherefore thou art no more a servant, but a son; and if a son, then an heir of God through Christ.’”

As Lt. Wei thought about the Holy Scripture, he couldn’t put fully into words the feeling of joy he began to feel welling up in his heart. He realized that God really loved him greatly, and that God Himself called Wei His son, even though Wei had been His enemy at one time. Lt. Wei realized that he was not just another human being to God. He was a son of God and an heir of God, as all true Christians are. ‘An heir inherits things,’ Lt. Wei thought to himself. ‘That means that I have inherited something awesome from God.’ And, that thought brought a smile to his lips.


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(If you would like to know more about Jesus Christclick here.)

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[Footnote: The Chinese are not the enemy, neither are the Russians. Both are people just like you and me. But, God will use Russia and China to judge wicked nations, which will not repent from their rebellion against Him. And, the devil will seek to stir up men to persecute the Church. But, God will deliver all who seek Him and trust in Him.]

... Just as ... [a soldier] ... was about to reach for the trigger, ... [a different soldier] ... suddenly sprang into action. He didn’t know exactly what it was that urged him on, but he knew he couldn’t let the Christians be mowed down. In a split second, ... [the second soldier] ... rammed his body into ... [the first soldier] ..., knocking him over. ... (Read all of Part 50.)

(See the next part to get the details we've concealed from this excerpt, such as the names of these two communist soldiers.)

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