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A Word from God for His Church About the Line in the Sand
God said the words below this paragraph. I encourage you to seek God about it and see what He shows you. God is calling out to His Church to repent and seek to know Him better. This message from God was given on May 21, 2018.
GOD said:
[The line in the sand]
"My children, I am the LORD your God and Creator. You are being tested now. Don't be afraid. I am working to remove dross in your hearts and to draw you closer to Me. You are going through difficulties to show what you are made of and to determine who you will serve, whether you will serve Me or not.
Donald Trump is a man who is ungodly, immoral, and wicked. He has idols and sins, and he is full of evil. If you put your trust in him to save this country, then you are not putting your trust in Me. You are putting your trust in an evil man and forsaking your God. Turn back to Me and repent from trusting in a mere man. Put your trust in Me, your God.
If you continue on this course of trusting in man, you will see that your trust will fail you, for Donald Trump will fail you. He certainly will. He will not make good his promises, nor will he be able to deliver America from the judgment I bring up this wicked land. If you value Me, then seek Me about this question and about your support of Donald Trump, if you support him.
["If you love me, forsake the world and look to My Word, the Bible."]
If you love me, forsake the world and look to My Word, the Bible. There you will find all you need. Read the Bible, ask Me your questions about it, talk with Me, and listen to what I show you, for I will speak with you. If you don't know what to say to a non-Christian about a certain verse or passage in the Bible, just seek Me about it, and I will show you.
If you are wondering if you can hear Me, then be still, read the Bible, and expect to hear Me respond. If I am speaking, you will feel conviction about sin, you will feel peace, and you will feel a desire to draw closer to the God of the Bible, and away from the false god of the world, who is the devil.
The devil seeks to devour you. He is slick and cunning and is seeking how he might make you fall. So, look to Me, and I will help you to overcome the devil's snares and traps. Watch out for people who claim to be Christians who look, and sound, and talk like religious people, but their hearts are far from Me. Like I told the Pharisees, in the New Testament, that they are whited sepulchers—which are good-looking on the outside, but full of rotting bones on the inside—so I tell you now that these false Christians are good-looking on the outside but are full of dead men's bones on the inside.
They have skeletons in their closets, so to speak. Indeed, they appear to be righteous, but if you saw all they did, and if you saw their hardened hearts, you would realize that they are not godly men or godly women. They are hypocrites and cowards. They love the praises of men more than the praises of God. They love to be seen of men as being so-called 'righteous' and 'benevolent' people, but they are truly children of the devil.
["Mammon, or the god of this world, is their god."]
Mammon, or the god of this world, is their god. Entertainment, idolatry, pride, selfish-ambition, lust, arrogance, and selfishness are their gods. These are their gods, but I am not their God. I am merely another list item on their agendas. Church, work, hobbies, friends, children, wives, lust, selfishness, works-to-be-seen-of-men, and idolatry are parts of their golden calf.
But, the love Me much less than they love their idols. That is why I allowed such a wicked man as Donald Trump to come into the spotlight and to appear to be their leader to appear to lead America toward a path of prosperity, but not a path of repentance. Did Donald Trump ever once truly say he was wrong for his immorality and sins? Did he ever confess his sins before the nation, which have been exposed to the public? No. And, he certainly shall not confess his sins.
And, many Christians still say that he is a good president and a good leader, but they are very deceived. For, no ungodly man can be a good leader. And, I say in My word that there are times when people call good evil, and evil good. There are times when people say that the wicked are good and that the righteous are evil. There are servants of Mine who have been cast out of Churches for preaching My messages of repentance, but those same Churches embrace Donald Trump and ignore his wickedness.
["There are Christians that do evil things in secret and then go to Church..."]
There are Christians that do evil things in secret and then go to Church and make a show of coming against the evils of the age. They may even say that the Church ought to repent, but they hypocritically go back to their same old sins and continue living in sin the rest of the week. True repentance from sin comes from recognizing that you have wronged Me, your God and Father. It comes from recognizing that I love you and that I want you to be restored and forgiven. It comes from choosing to forsake what leads you into sin and forsake the sin you committed.
Repentance is not saying you're sorry and then going back to the same old sins. It is a change of what you choose to do with your life. If you are tempted with lust, take your thoughts captive to Jesus Christ and repent. If you are tempted to steal, then take the desires to steal captive to Jesus Christ. If you are tempted to gossip, then bring your desire to gossip to Me and tell Me alone what you are feeling about certain people. But, don't talk about them to others. Just follow My leading, and you will do well.
Gossip is poisonous and evil just as much as pornography is evil and harmful to those who follow it. Pornography is adultery and fornication, but gossip is a poison which destroys those who fall prey to it. Gossip devours Churches. It separates friends. It destroys marriages. It exalts the proud and debases those who are the victims of gossip. It serves as a weapon of hate, which is thinly disguised by an appearance of "care" for the person being gossiped about. Gossip is evil, and those who refuse to repent from gossip will have to stand before My throne on the day of judgment. If such a person is hardened against Me, he or she will not enter Heaven. So, repent from gossip if you partake in this sin, and I will bless you.
Remember, My Word says that you ought to do to others as you want done to you. Do you want others to gossip about you? Then, don't gossip about them. Just tell Me your concerns about someone you know, and I will help you. Look to Me, and I will bless you. And, I the LORD your GOD have spoken.
["Now, My Church and My people, seek Me, for your time on earth is coming to a close."]
Now, My Church and My people, seek Me, for your time on earth is coming to a close. Many of you will perish in the judgment that will fall on America because you have not wanted My best will for your lives, and I cannot go beyond your will. If you sought My best will, I will deliver you, and I will bless you. But, if you want your own will apart from Me, you will suffer from the judgment that will fall upon America because I cannot lead those who don't want to be led. And, America shall be destroyed because it is a sinking ship full of wickedness.
I don't wish for any to perish. That is why I warn My Church to seek Me, turn to Me, and obey Me. If My Church refuses to do these things, it will be judged. I don't want to have to judge the Church, but if the Church doesn't cooperate with Me, I will be forced to judge it because My holy Name would be smeared before the world if I didn't judge the Church.
You may think of yourself as being a good Christian, but am I truly your all-in-all? Am I your God and your best Friend? Or, do you have other lovers? Do you have others who meet your needs? Is your family your idol? Or, is your career your idol? Or, is entertainment your idol? Is food your idol? Is another man's wife or another woman or another man your lover? Do you conduct inappropriate actions with those of the opposite sex?
Do you love your neighbor's husband or your neighbor's wife? Do you look at that which is evil? And, do you justify your sin? If so, REPENT, for your time on earth is very short! If you don't repent, it will be very short indeed, and Hell will be your resting place. But, in Hell, there will be no peace, and no rest, for there is no peace to the wicked. Hell is a place of fire, brimstone, lava, and eternal torment because the souls in Hell are unable to repent because they are so hardened against Me that they never will repent.
["Do you love that which I hate, and despise what I love?"]
Do you love that which I hate, and despise what I love? If so, consider who you are serving. If you are serving sin and selfishness, you will reap according to your actions. What you have sown you shall also reap. If you have sown to the flesh and its lusts, you will reap after the same. And, what you reap will be damnation.
You may think I am joking about this, but I am not. There are many people who end up in Hell even after they turned to Me at one point in their lives. Yes, many former Christians are in Hell because they didn't want Me to be their all. They loved the world and themselves more than they loved Me. So, judgment fell on them, and they ended up in Hell. Don't let yourself become one of those people, who refused to seek Me and repent.
["Come to Me and be restored to intimate fellowship with Me,
for I made you to have fellowship with Me."]
Come to Me and be restored to intimate fellowship with Me, for I made you to have fellowship with Me. Don't try to live a good life apart from relying on Me. Rely on Me like a child depends on his mother or father. Rely on Me like a tree depends on its roots, and the ground, and water, and sunlight, and air. Rely on Me like a baby bird depends on its parents to feed it. I will feed you. Just only look to Me, and you will be full of joy, and the devil will not be able to steal your joy.
I love you all very much. So, seek Me and desire Me, and you will be filled with Me. And, I shall never fail you nor forsake you. And, I the LORD your GOD and Abba Father have spoken."
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