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Sunday, June 10, 2018

A NOVEL ─ THE ADVENTURES OF KEVIN KRAMER IN COMMUNIST EUROPE ─ A Novel about the End Times ─ Chapter 14 ─ "A Mysterious Stranger Arrives"

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The Adventures of Kevin Krämer in Communist Europe

- The Escape from Communist Europe -

 (A Novel about the End Times)

By: Justin Brown (a pen name)

Recommended reading for ages 14 and older.
This is a novel for teens and adults.

This novel contains some violence (such as gunshots and fights); intense chase scenes;
clean romantic elements (i.e. clean conversations between a guy and his girlfriend);
 and themes appropriate for teenagers and adults.
You will not find any profanity, immorality, or gore in this novel.
It is written to edify the reader, and not to provoke sinful thoughts.

This story is free to be copied, printed, and distributed, but it must remain unaltered.



Europe has been invaded, the superpower across the sea is no more, and the country of "Baltania" is controlling Europe through communistic puppet governments. Under the oppressive cloud of communism, a small group of underground Christians faces a powerful crime organization bent on their capture and destruction. 

Under this heavy, oppressive cloak, Kevin Kramer, a 30-year-old, and Maritza, his attractive, 27-year-old girlfriend, must decide who they will serve as they fall in love with each other, start a romantic relationship, and try to evade the unrelenting and dangerous members of a criminal organization, which seeks to kidnap underground Christians to sell to the secret police.

Together with some friends, Kevin and Maritza must do their best to avoid being captured as they learn to trust God and follow His guiding hand in these last days just before the rise of the Antichrist. This fast-paced story is designed to be fascinating. But, don't just take our word for it... 

[Note: Baltania is a fictional country within the Eurasian landmass. At one time, it had a communistic past. During a third world war, communism revived in this country as its armies conquered Europe. Since we do not want to point fingers at any particular country, we will not name this country or coalition of countries.]


Chapter 14

"A Mysterious Stranger Arrives"

(Click here to open a list of links to chapters
Right click the link and select "Open link in new tab.")


The Surprise

Svenja, Rolf, how did you get here?” Kevin said, surprised, as he stood in Daniel’s spacious living room near a stone fireplace and a cream-colored sofa. Maritza and Daniel were standing nearby. Kevin’s sister and her husband had just entered the living room from a hallway connected to the left corner of the back wall. Along the back wall of the living room, and three meters from the hallway entrance, a set of stairs descending into the basement.

“Kevin,” Rolf said with his deep voice, smiling, “you wouldn’t believe what God has done for us.”

“What is that?” Kevin said as he walked toward the giant and his wife.

“God has miraculously translated me and my wife here to this nice establishment,” Rolf said.

(Some conversions between
metric units and English-system units)
Right click the picture and select "Open link in new tab."
“And, Abdul,” Svenja said, looking up at her towering husband. “God translated him too.”

“That’s right,” Rolf said, chuckling softly. “God is very good to us.”

“But, what do you mean by translate?” Kevin said, slightly confused. “How did God do it?”

“That’s what I was going to ask,” Maritza said, glancing at Kevin, as she stood a meter from him.

“Do remember Acts chapter 12,” Rolf said, “where Philip, the evangelist, was speaking with an Ethiopian eunuch about how Jesus fulfilled the Old Testament prophecies about the Messiah?”

“I am not sure if I’ve heard or read that,” Kevin said. He was a fairly new Christian and hadn’t read the whole New Testament.

(Click on this link to read brief descriptions
about some of the characters from this novel.)
“Philip preached to the Ethiopian in a desert,” Rolf said. “Then, the eunuch believed on Jesus and wanted to be baptized. Just after Philip baptized him, Philip was instantly caught away from the Ethiopian by the power of God, and he appeared in a region of Israel that was many miles from where he had talked with the Ethiopian eunuch. I don’t know how God did that but, it happened, just the same.”

“That is miracle. So, that same thing happened to you, my sister Svenja, and Abdul?” Kevin said with joy. “Glory be to God!”

“Wow, that is amazing,” Maritza said with wonder as she smiled. ‘That reminds me,’ she thought to herself, ‘of how Jesus had miraculously and instantly translated the disciples, in a boat, across the sea of Galilee.*’

[* See John 6:15-21. Note: Pay close attention to John 6:21“Then they willingly received him into the ship: and immediately the ship was at the land whither they went.”] 

“God delivered my wife from a guillotine,” Rolf said, placing a hand gently on his wife’s back.

“Really?” Kevin was surprised. He faced his sister and said, “You were delivered from a guillotine?”

Maritza glanced at Kevin and they locked eyes briefly before both turned back to face Svenja.

“My life was at stake,” Svenja said. “We had been captured by a criminal organization. I think they were the same people who had given you and Maritza a lot of trouble.”

Svenja explained the past events since she, Rolf, and Abdul had been captured and placed in a secret prison which was managed by the Office of Religious and Political Observation, also known as the secret police. She explained how an executioner had placed her on a guillotine bench, had locked her head in a pillory, and how God had translated her away from the guillotine and into the forest beside the Daniel’s perimeter fence.

__ __ __ __ __


“That is an amazing story, sister,” Kevin said after Svenja had finished telling it. “God really is for us and God really will do miracles for us! Praise God!”

“God really is our refuge and strength in times of trouble,”* Maritza said.

[* See Psalm 33:18-22 and Psalm 32:7-9 and others.]

“Yes, that’s right,” Rolf said. “And, it still gives me awe when I think of how God rescued her just as the sharp blade was starting to fall.”

Rolf then told Kevin and Maritza how he had been interrogated by the secret police and how an officer had told him that if he didn’t deny the true Jesus Christ, whom Rolf loved and served, that Svenja would be beheaded and he would be placed in a concentration camp.

A dark-haired man had slipped into the living room from the hallway while Svenja was telling the story. He was dressed in a knit sweater and wore corduroy trousers and leather shoes. A minute after he had taken a seat on a leather couch, his blond-haired wife, wearing long, baggy trousers, had come in. She had sat beside her husband and both had listened closely to Svenja’s description of the amazing events surrounding her escape.

“Svanja,” the lady said, “that was an amazing story, but are you sure you weren’t dreaming or something?”

“Mary, I am certain, that I was wide awake on that guillotine bench,” Svenja said. “I could feel the cold metal pillory locked around my neck and the metal handcuffs they had placed my wrists into. It was real. I wasn’t drugged and I wasn’t rescued, except by a miracle of God’s power.”

The lady’s husband frowned and scratched his chin. Then, he said, “Rolf, what happened to you at the time Svenja said she was translated?”

“Ludwig, I can tell you that I was praying for her along with Abdul, a young, middle-eastern, Christian man,” Rolf said with a serious expression on his face. “Both I and Abdul had our eyes shut as we prayed. When we opened them, we saw that the prison cell we had been in was gone and that we were standing in the forest not far from the chain link fence that surrounds this compound.”

“Are you sure that this really happened and that you weren’t just released from prison by some bribed guards who had put a tranquilizing agent in your prison dinner?” Ludwig said with a faint grin on his face as he leaned back in the couch.

“Why would any guards want to release us from prison?” Rolf said. “I don’t have lots of money, Ludwig. And, I knew for a fact that both I and Abdul were fully awake when we were translated or miraculously transferred from the prison cell to the forest outside Daniel’s home. You can ask Abdul about this too.”

“Hmm,” Ludwig said, betraying some skepticism. “Well, I suppose I should like to get some exercise.” Turning to his wife, Ludwig said, “Honey, would you like to go for a walk?”

“It would be nice to get some fresh air, so that I can think straight,” Mary said as she and her husband stood up from the couch.

They went out the front door and shut it tight behind them. Outside the house, Ludwig and Mary, who both were in their early forties, breathed in deeply as they walked across a lawn on which was strewn some toys a few children had forgotten to pick up.

When they were some distance from the house and approaching the locked gate, Ludwig said, “You know, Mary, I think Rolf and Svenja are nice people, but they must be delusional due to their treatment by the secret police. Surly, God wouldn’t translate them from the prison to this remote location.”

Ludwig reached for a key Daniel had given him and unlocked the padlock on the gate. He swung the gate open and allowed his wife to go through before him. Then, he shut it behind him, leaving it unlocked. They strolled among the bracken and undergrowth which grew under a canopy of tall pine trees several meters from the chain link fence.

“You know, Ludwig,” Mary said, “The Barnabuses are nice hosts, but I don’t think we should stay here more than two weeks.”

“I agree,” Ludwig said. “Daniel Barnabus believes that God is calling us to stay at his home unless God specifically leads us to a different location, but I am getting kind of bored here.”

“Me too,” Mary said. “I want a place of our own. And, the food here isn’t as tasty as the kind I like to prepare.”

“You’re right, darling,” Ludwig said, smiling at his attractive wife. “And, I am getting rather tired of hearing Daniel teach us about walking in the Spirit or following the Holy Spirit. There must be something more to talk about than just the Holy Spirit, walking by faith, forsaking sin, denying oneself, and receiving the love of God.”

“He seems to be too much into taking the Bible literally,” Mary said.

The couple talked for twenty more minutes as they strolled through the woods about one and a half kilometers from the house. Then, a snapping sound came from the bushes several meters from the couple, and the man and wife turned to see what had made the sound. Mary inhaled quickly.

A man wearing a plaid jacket and black trousers came out from bushes. He had a short goatee and mustache; nicely-trimmed, red hair; and a pleasant smile on his face. He wore a fedora with a yellow feather tucked in the hat band. A large rucksack was strapped to his shoulders, and his left hand was clasped around a walking stick. To Mary, he appeared to be in his mid-thirties and had a handsome face and rugged features.

“Excuse me, sir and madam,” the stranger said, doffing his hat. “I am Hans Schmidt. I happen to be traveling through these woods, and I wonder if you know how I might get some help. You see, I am very low on food and water. I was hiking through the woods here, trying to meet up with a Christian friend. But, I lost contact with him, and I can’t reach him on my smartphone. My water and food are very low. Would you be able to help me?”

“Did you say that you want to meet up with a Christian friend in these woods?” Ludwig asked.

“Yes,” the man called Hans said. “I am a Christian. We were going to meet here to have a secret Church meeting with some other believers. But, I can’t locate any of them.”

“Why are you telling us this?” Mary said.

“I assumed you, being in the middle of these woods, might be Christians just as I am,” the man said. “Only Christians would be way out here without proper backpacking gear.”

“We are Christians,” Ludwig said. “And, we are staying at someone’s house located about one and a half kilometers from here. And, we will certainly help you.”

Mary turned toward her husband and leaned close to his ear to whisper, “You know that Daniel always tells us to seek God before we make any decision that may have some importance.”

Ludwig chuckled quietly as he whispered a response into his wife’s ear. “Yes, dear, but Daniel isn’t my leader. I will just do what I think is best. I think we should help this man out, don’t you? There is no need to ask God about that. It is obvious we should assist this man.”

“You’re right,” Mary whispered back.

Then, Ludwig and his wife returned their attention to the stranger and Ludwig said, “Come with us, sir. We will help you and provide you with some food and water.”

“Thank you very much. You don’t know how much this means to me,” Jackal, wearing his elaborate disguise, said.

__ __ __ __ __

Claw and His Men

A small listening device, attached to Jackal’s collar, transmitted the conversation back to Claw who lurked in the forest 61 meters from where Jackal stood. The crime boss grinned wickedly as he spoke to Whiplash, Stingray, Wolf, Vulture, and the other gangsters who stood before him in a line.

“Jackal is playing his role like a master performer in a play,” Claw told his men. “He will deceive the Christians into opening their gates to us. I want three of you men to change into civilian outfits, in those bushes, and then follow Jackal. I will coordinate your moves with the drones Rat has mastery over.”

“I pick Stingray, Whiplash, and Rat to monitor those Christians,” Claw said as he glanced from one man to another.

“Wolf, Scorpion, Vulture, and Grizzly, you will stay with me here,” Claw added as he looked at them. “I can’t have all of us going in at once, lest some of the Christians escape into the woods. We will form an outer perimeter to act as a net to capture any Christians attempting to escape.”

“But, sir,” Wolf said. “I am a master of deception. Let me go with them. I have a perfect disguise that would even deceive my own mother, and I’ve been planning on doing this ever since I brought the men up to these woods.”

Claw glared at Wolf. “You are staying with me here, Wolf. That’s an order.”

Wolf frowned, but said nothing. Secretly, he was fuming inside. Claw was ruining Wolf’s plans and pushing him down to a level slightly lower than he wanted to be esteemed. ‘I’m not Claw’s trained monkey,’ Wolf thought to himself. ‘Claw needs to be put in his place. I deserve to be the leader of this mission and the next grand Venom commander. Who is Claw anyways? He may not even be as strong as I am.’


Meeting the Mysterious Stranger

“Hello, Ludwig and Mary. Who is this man you brought?” Daniel Barnabus said, smiling, as he saw the chain link gate swing open in his fence and three people enter. Two were a couple he had invited to stay at his place. But, the third one was a man he had never seen before.

Daniel was standing on his lawn beside three children who were playing with toys. The African, Chadian man had been showing a little Asian boy how to make a castle out of mud and sticks. Some green, plastic army men were arranged around the rudimentary fortress and their young, human commander was positioning them with his little fingers.

“This is Hans,” Ludwig said as he approached Daniel. “Hans is a Christian who has been traveling through this forest, trying to find some other Christians he had earlier made arrangements to meet up with.”

“It’s good to meet you, Hans,” Daniel said, extending a hand to the bearded man.

“It’s my pleasure,” Jackal said, smiling as he shook hands with Daniel.

“Come this way,” the Chadian man said as he led the way to his large, blue house.

“So, when did you first arrive in these woods?” Daniel said as he opened the front door.

“About five days ago,” Jackal said. “But, I ran out of food and water since I had only planned for three days of hiking through the woods. I stayed longer since I thought I might see my friends. But, I haven’t caught a glimpse of them yet. I trust that God will lead them here, though.”

“I will pray He leads them here very soon,” Daniel said, smiling.

Daniel and the three others entered his living room where Monika was visiting with Maritza and another lady named Amalia. All the women wore baggy trousers and modest blouses.

“This is Hans,” Daniel said to the women as they looked up toward the entrance where the others had appeared. “He is a Christian man who will be staying with us.”

“Welcome,” Monika said, smiling politely at the handsome stranger.

Maritza noticed the stranger staring at her for a few seconds, and she suddenly felt uncomfortable. But, his eyes quickly shifted to Monika, who was standing up at that moment. Something about this man brought Maritza a deep feeling of concern. It could have been the way he briefly looked at her, but she wondered if it was something more.

Still feeling uneasy, Maritza excused herself, stood up, and walked toward the hallway. She quickly traveled down most of the length of the long hallway, passing by a few doors on either side, and reached a large, walk-in closet. Once inside, she closed the door behind her.

Flipping a light on, she saw shelves filled with boxes containing papers and miscellaneous items. She said, “Father God, I am troubled about something and I need to talk with you. I have a question for you. Who is this stranger that Daniel brought into his house? Is he really someone we can trust?”

A loud knocking sound suddenly came from the closet door, and Maritza opened it slowly in time to see a little golden-haired girl with a bright smile on her face. She said to Maritza, “I found you.”

“Honey, I’m not playing hide-and-go-seek right now, but maybe later,” Maritza said.

“Oh,” the little girl said with a confused look on her young face. “What are you doing then?”

“I was going to be seeking God about some things,” Maritza said as she walked toward the door and out into the hallway.

Before Maritza could say any more, the little girl was running off and knocking on other doors as she looked for her friends.

“Hi, Maritza,” Kevin said from behind her, down the hall.

She turned to see him dressed in a dark-blue collared shirt and new, tan trousers.

“Where did you get those from?” Maritza asked with a little surprise. “Those are nice clothes.”

“Daniel gave them to me,” Kevin said. “He said he has a whole wardrobe of clothing God has provided for Christians living here. Everything from sailor suits to business suits, he’s got them.”

“Kevin,” Maritza said, “did you see that stranger who just came through the front door?”

“No,” Kevin said. “Who is it?”

“He’s a man who is said to be a Christian, who has come to stay here, but I have a bad feeling about him.”

Kevin, looking at his girlfriend’s face, grew serious. “Why do you say that?”

“The way he looked at me. Those eyes,” she said, hesitating. “I don’t know how to explain it better, but I just feel troubled about him.”

“Then, we should seek God about what to do,” Kevin said. “I’ll go into an upstairs closet, and you can go where you like. Then, we can meet down here in about seven minutes. How does that sound?”

She nodded and said, “That would be good.”

Then, they parted ways and Kevin walked toward the far end of the hall where a staircase was located in a large nook. After ascending the steps, and passing down the second story hallway, he found a walk-in closet and shut the door behind him. Flipping on a light, he began speaking with God.

“Father God, what would you show me about this stranger?” Kevin said. “Is he someone we can trust?”


Jackal Takes Them to the Woods

“Well,” Jackal said, “I have some stuff I left in the woods: a tent and some equipment. I’m rather tired from not getting enough sleep at night. So, I was wondering if any of you would like to help me bring the stuff here. I also have some money that I don’t really have a use for. All those who help me can split it up among themselves.”

Ludwig glanced at his wife Mary and then leaned close to her ear to whisper. They were sitting on a leather couch in Daniel’s living room. In addition to them, Monika and Daniel and several other people were either sitting or standing in the room.

The red-haired, handsome stranger, who called himself Hans, still wore his plaid jacket and black trousers. He looked at the faces of the people with an innocent expression on his face, and grinned slightly. But, inwardly, Jackal felt that he had snared some prey.

One of the young, single adults in the room, a 24-year-old, German man, named Mark, stood up from a couch and said, “I’m with you, brother Hans. You can count on me. But, just keep the money.”

Ludwig and Mary also rose to their feet and agreed to help “Hans” out with his stuff.

“Hey, Selina, aren’t you coming too?” Mark said as he turned toward a brunette, 19-year-old, single girl, who was sitting on the couch not far from where he had sat.

“I need to tell you something, Mark,” Selina said. Then, Selina stood up and whispered something into her friend’s ear.

Mark frowned and whispered something back. Selina turned away from her friend and walked toward the hallway with a look of concern on her face. When the young brunette was out of earshot and out of sight, Mark turned to the group and said, “I think Selina is just being a little paranoid. I’m still willing to help you, Hans.”

“Very good,” Jackal said. “Well, let us be going. Is anyone else coming?”

No one moved, except for Ludwig, Mary, and Mark.

“Let’s be off, then,” Jackal said as he walked toward the front door. The three others followed, but the rest remained behind.

Once the four were gone and the door was closed, Daniel whispered into Monika’s ear. “Honey,” he said, “I feel there is something amiss with this stranger. Why would he have so much stuff that he would need lots of help moving it? He said he was backpacking through the woods. A single man backpacking doesn’t need much stuff. There is something about this man that is beginning to trouble me.”

“I feel the same way,” Monika, whispered in his ear.

“I’m going to seek God about this,” Daniel whispered back. Then, he left and walked down the hall.


The Campsite

After traveling for just half a kilometer, the group of four came to a small encampment where a backpacking tent had been set up and a tarp spread out before it. Ludwig, holding his wife’s hand, had been ignoring the feeling in his spirit that he shouldn’t be following the man called “Hans.”

“This is the campsite, folks,” Jackal said, grinning slightly, as he looked with some perverse amusement at the “ignorant” people who had followed him. “We can pack up my tent, this tarp, and these cooking pots.”

As Ludwig looked at the camp site, he noticed some oddities. A cooking pot rested beside a fire pit, but strangely no ashes or burnt pieces of wood appeared in the fire pit, and the cooking pot appeared to be fairly new and shiny. The tent also appeared to be perfectly clean. There were no traces of dirt or dust on it, as would be expected for someone backpacking for a few days.

Just then, a man pushed his way through some bushes three meters from the tent. In a few seconds, he had made it through the undergrowth and had entered the small clearing where the tent was set up. He was a strong-looking, stout man with a tan flannel jacket, green trousers, and a rucksack. His rugged face was covered with a black beard, but his head had short, brown hair.

“Oh,” Jackal said, with a slightly inflected voice, “it’s you, Fritz. I’ve been looking for you. How did you reach this spot?”

“Hi, Hans, it’s good to see you again. Who are these people?” Whiplash said, dusting off his sleeves.

“They’re some Christians who are living out in these woods,” Jackal said. “They’ve been kind enough to let us stay with them.”

Playing his part with professional skill, Whiplash glanced at the others as he said, “It’s good to know we have some brothers and sisters we can count on to help us. I’ve been hiking around this area, looking for you. While I searched through the forest, I asked God for guidance. I felt like giving up until I noticed a banana peel lying on the ground beside some footprints. I thought that had to be yours. You are like a monkey when it comes to bananas.”

“Very funny,” Jackal said, putting on a realistic chuckle. “You know I love them.”

Whiplash removed his backpack and set it on the ground. Then, he unzipped a pocket and reached into the rucksack.

“Your name is Fritz?” Ludwig said, looking at the burly man with the rugged face and beard.

“Actually,” Whiplash said, with his hand inside the bag, “my name is something else.”

Then, as Ludwig frowned, in bewilderment, Whiplash drew out a semi-automatic silenced pistol and trained it on the four who had come with Jackal from Daniel’s house.

“You Christians have run into the hands of your worst foe,” Jackal said as he drew a compact pistol from a pocket in his trousers. “Raise your hands!”

Reluctantly, Ludwig, Mary, and Mark raised their hands, and grimaced. Whiplash drew three pairs of metal handcuffs from his rucksack and snapped them around each captive’s wrists after he drew their hands behind their backs. Then, he chuckled wickedly.

“You will all provide us a good bounty,” Whiplash said, scratching his short, black beard.

Wolf emerged from the bushes a few seconds later, along with Claw, Rat, Scorpion, Stingray, Vulture, and Grizzly.

“You men have done a fine job at capturing these Christians, but we need to apprehend the rest,” Wolf said as he glanced at the prisoners. “And, I have the perfect plan for their capture.”

“What’s the plan, Wolf?” Grizzly said from his towering height of 2.5 meters (over 8 feet and 2 inches). His large, muscular arms were folded in an arrogant pose. Under his crooked smile his blond beard grew thick and longish. And, his completely bald head reflected the sunlight like a mirror.

“I give all the orders around here,” Claw snapped as he stepped close to Wolf, ignoring the towering presence of Grizzly, the bearded giant.

But, Wolf was 10 centimeters taller and slightly more muscular than Claw, and his thirst for power was stronger than it had ever been. He stood his ground and looked down into the face of the shorter man who had a bald head, a patch eye, and a dark-brown goatee.

“You haven’t even worked with these men as much as I have,” Wolf said. “I know how to…”

“I am the boss around here, and you … are my subordinate,” Claw said, calling Wolf some filthy and insulting names.

“You don’t deserve to be leading this mission, for I have more experience with forests and survival skills than you do,” Wolf said coldly as he glared with hatred at his boss.

“Wolf has a point,” Vulture said as he scratched his brown Mohawk and then his goatee with a slim but strong arm. The wiry man looked up to nearly everyone on the team due to his 1.53-meter-stature (5 feet).

“You … insubordinate rebel,” Claw said, uttering many profanities at Wolf as he ignored Vulture. “You …, I will …” He gave a graphic description of the horrible things he would do to Wolf for disobeying him and resisting his rule.

Wolf suddenly drew a knife from a sheath on his belt. It’s 20-centimeter-long, razor-sharp blade reflected a glint of sunlight as Wolf moved into a fighting stance. Then, he said, “Who wants to see us fight this out? Raise your hands if you do. The winner of this fight will lead the men, and the loser will die.”

Mary gasped as she saw the sharp knife unsheathed.

Claw scowled at Wolf and uttered a string of vile expletives at him. Then, when the boss was done, several gangers’ hands went up and Scorpion said, “Let them fight to the death. The winner is the next leader.”

“Yea, Wolf, show this … your fighting skills,” Vulture said with some expletives as he slipped some black sunglasses over his eyes.

Claw glared at Scorpion and Vulture and angrily uttered some swearwords as he said, “You …. After I win this fight, I will destroy both of you.”

Claw drew a switchblade from a hidden holster on his belt. Then, he prepared to fight Wolf.

“Wolf,” he said, “you don’t realize that I have more years and more experience than even you do. I didn’t become the grand Venom commander of the Kühnburg chapter because I slacked off. I will leave your corpse for the wolves once this is through.”

But, Wolf didn’t respond. Instead, like a lion studying the weaknesses of his prey, he carefully scrutinized Claw. Then, the man called Wolf sprang into action and Mary screamed. In a whirl of motion and quick moves, Wolf attacked Claw, and Claw did his best to seek out Wolf’s weak points.

Just thirty seconds passed as the two ruthless men fought each other. At last, the man called Claw collapsed to the ground and his switchblade plopped into a patch of dirt. His life ebbed away and his eyelids slowly closed. Wolf had been too quick for him and very brutal in his attack and defense moves. And, Claw could not match his dexterity and fighting skills.

While Wolf had emerged the victor of the fight, he was bleeding from some wounds on his arms. They were not deep, but the blood was slowly flowing, so Scorpion removed his backpack and reached for some bandages, gauze, and antiseptics. After tying a tourniquet tightly around Wolf’s upper arms, he applied the antiseptics and bandages.

The muscular, blond-haired man turned to his men and smiled. “I won,” he said. “Now, let’s capture those Christians.”

“Right away, boss,” Grizzly said with a cruel grin on his bearded face as he punched his left palm with his right fist.


AN EXCERPT FROM CHAPTER 15 ("The Wolf Is Coming"):

'... Rat lowered the binoculars and quickly reached for a large tranquilizer gun, which hung from a nearby branch on a gun sling. The Christian man was walking in his direction, ignorant of Rat’s presence. Soon, he would be within range of the tranquilizer gun. ...'

(Note: I do not make any money from this story. It is free to be read, printed, and distributed, but the text must remain unaltered.)

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