The Marriage Supper Parable - A Cartoon with Sound Effects, Music, and Scripture - A Teaching of Jesus in Matthew 22

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Sunday, August 18, 2019

(CHAPTERS 12 AND 13) The Adventures of Matthew Jeremiah in Europe (A Novel / Word from God)

 The Adventures of
Matthew Jeremiah
in Europe:

The Sister of Babylon

Chapters 12 and 13

(For Chapter 1, click Here.)

(Europe Shall Face Hardship)

Click Here for the TABLE of CONTENTS

{Links to the Story Chapters are found in the Table of Contents Page.}

This is a word from God written in the format of a story.
The characters are fictional,
but what shall happen in Europe and America's future is not fictional.
Please seek God about this story / document and about the
messages that are presented in it. God will reveal the truth to you.
America and Europe will both soon experience
 very challenging times in the years ahead.

Chapter 12

Tel Aviv. Israel. 2038 A.D. {Francois Israel}

Francois Israel, a French-born Jew, relaxed in a sofa with a French soda near an air conditioning unit in a living room. The living room window of his Tel Aviv apartment gave a great view of the city skyline and the numerous lights in skyscrapers and other tall buildings. He and his dad, Judah Joseph Israel, had finished dinner an hour ago, and his dad had gone back to his own bedroom to seek God.

Now, sitting on one of the two couches in the living room, Francois opened his Bible and talked with his Heavenly Father. The city lights stared at him through the living room window, but he ignored them as he closed his eyes and relaxed.

“Father God,” Francois said, “thank you so much for rescuing us from the fishing ship. We could have died, but you spared us. For that I am very grateful. You also had the IDF Navy vessel find us not long after the pirates had left. After that, you brought us safely to Israel, where you helped us get naturalized as citizens of this wonderful country, the land of my ancestors.

“You even provided me a job as a construction worker. Thank you for all of that. Without your grace, my dad and I could have been caught by the communists in France and sent off to a ‘re-education’ camp. But, you delivered us from that.”

Francois paused a moment to collect his thoughts. Then, he said, “But, Father God, I wonder what will happen to the land of Israel? What can I expect to come to the land of Israel in the near future? Will I be able to get married? And, will my future kids be safe?”

“My son,” God’s kind voice spoke to Francois’s spirit, “I love you very much. You are precious to Me, as are all people in the world. I sent Jesus Christ to die for all of their sins so that if they call upon Him, they shall be saved.

“I will now show you the future of Israel that you are wondering about. Israel is a land of prophecy, of the Bible, and of power. It is at the center of the Earth, in a geographical sense. It forms the bridge between Africa and Asia. And, it is a major route of trade and transit. It has great economic power for its size since I have blessed the Jews above the Gentiles in terms of wisdom, creativity, and talent. There is more talent in the land of Israel, for its size, than in any other country or nation of its size and area. Of course, I give Gentiles wisdom and talent too.

“But, since Israel is the people of the Book, and they are the people who have been despised the most, and they have been chosen to bear My Name to the nations, I shall give them the greatest wisdom, for their population size, and I shall give them the greatest talent, for their population size. That is why Jews have been wrongfully treated in all parts of the world. They are the people who represent the Bible to the nations. Because you exist, O Israel, therefore, I shall not cast you down.

“I shall uphold My people in My hand. I shall save all Israel, who call upon My Son for salvation. Do you know His Name? It is Jesus Christ, the Messiah. Why did I choose a Greek Name for the Messiah? you may wonder. I chose a Greek Name because the Greek world was the common denominator in the early times of the first, second, third, forth, and fifth centuries. I chose a Greek Name to reach a Greek-speaking people.”

Paris, France. 2038 A.D. {Ruth Stein}

The blond-haired girl opened the stairwell door and ascended up the turning steps. Her footfalls echoed off the concrete walls, adding to the caution and concern in her soul. Dressed in a modest shirt and baggy trousers, which were out of date and a source of teasing by coworkers, Ruth Stein did her best ignore the joking and be kind to her associates. She had a kindhearted personality and wit.

Today, however, she was feeling very stressed. Carrying her purse over her shoulder, Ruth hurried through a door and down a hallway in the apartment building where she and her parents lived. Her tennis shoes echoed off the grey, vinyl floor and white walls, causing her to almost “hear” feet in pursuit of her.

Reaching the apartment door, she inserted a key and opened it. Once she had slammed it shut behind her, she slowed herself down and tried to steady her quick breathing. She was standing in a short hallway that led into the living room of the small apartment. To her right was a door leading into the bathroom. Some meters beyond it lay another door. She passed by the bathroom and turned the knob leading into her bedroom, which was located on one side of the bathroom.

Setting her purse on her desk, she plopped into a computer chair and buried her face in her hands, and started sobbing. Tears rolled down her face as she cried, remembering the terrible insults and threats someone had spoken to her just minutes ago.

She had been employed for a local grocery store, working as a cashier. Some of her coworkers had found out that she was Jewish. She didn’t look much different than a Gentile French girl since she was only a quarter Jewish. But, once the secret was out, she found several store employees threatening to kill her and giving horrible insults. Then, her manager told her that she was fired. She had asked him why, but he had told her that Jews were not allowed to buy from his store or work there. He had given her several coarse insults before sending her off.

“Father God,” Ruth said, sobbing, “this is so hurtful what they said to me. I can’t help that I’m Jewish and hated by Gentiles. I tried to hide my Jewish identity since so many people hate us. Why do they hate us? What did we do to deserve this hatred?”

A soft knock came at her bedroom door.

“Honey,” the muffled voice of her father said, “may I come in?”

Ruth stood up and said, “Yes, papa.”

“Ruth, my child, how are you doing? You look troubled,” said Benjamin Stein, a 57-year-old Jewish man.

“Papa, they called me names,” Ruth said, sobbing. “Insults. They said I was a ‘filthy Jew.’ They called me horrible insults and vile words.”

Her dad motioned toward his 24-year-old daughter, with a kind look in his eyes. Then, he placed a caring arm around her back, hugged her gently to his side, and kissed her on the cheek, with some tears starting to form in his eyes.

“I love you, sweetie,” her dad said affectionately. “I feel very much for you, daughter.”

She sobbed some more before looking her loving dad in the eyes. Then, she said, “Papa, why do Gentiles hate us so much? What did we do to deserve this treatment?”

“We did nothing to deserve it,” Benjamin Stein said. “We have not sought to oppress anyone or steal anyone’s money. But, because we are God’s chosen people to bring the Word of God to the world, the unbelieving Gentiles hate us. They hate us because they hate God. And, the devil hates us very much because we represent the Bible to the world. Our ancestors wrote the Holy Scriptures, and the world hates the Bible. So, they hate us too. Don’t fear, my darling. God will work all things together for our good, as Paul wrote in the book of Romans, in chapter 8. Now, I suggest that you tell me what exactly happened. But, be calm, dear.”

She told her dad all the details, starting with all the name-calling and invective language some coworkers gave her, and ending with her boss firing her and insulting her.

“They wanted to kill you?” Benjamin Stein said, surprised.

“Some of them said that, yes,” Ruth said, looking at her dad with watery eyes.

“I must seek God about this,” he said, leaving her side and walking toward the door. “Excuse me.”

He slipped out of the room and walked down the hall past a closet door. Then, he opened another door, which led into the master bedroom. Shutting the door behind him, Benjamin found his own desk and chair, and sat down in the leather seat.

“Heavenly Father,” Benjamin Stein said, “did men actually threaten to kill my daughter? My precious only daughter?”

“Yes, My son,” God’s voice spoke kindly to him, “they did. They wanted to intimidate her. Most likely, they wouldn’t actually carry out the threat. But, they wanted her to leave the job, for they hate Jewish people because you are a sign to the nations of My existence. And, they hate Me, their Creator because they love sin and self more than Me.”

“Abba Father,” Benjamin said, “what should I do? I can’t continue living like this. I can’t tell people that I am Jewish. I just ignore their questions or change the topic. But, what should I do about this situation? We are feeling the pressure more and more. The hatred for Jews is intense here in France. A number of Jews here have been killed, murdered by gangsters. And, there has been an exodus of Jewish people from France for a few years now, but I didn’t want to leave because I still have relatives here, including my non-Jewish ones.”

“My son, I love you very much,” God’s kind voice said. “I want you to know that I have plans for you to leave and go to Israel. I didn’t tell you this so clearly before because you were not really wanting to leave your relatives, and I had some things for you to do in France. But, now it is time for you to leave France and head over to Israel. Israel is a much safer place to live in than France, for Jewish people. And, there, you will not be persecuted so much for being Jewish.

“In Israel, you will have three meals a day, a roof over your heads, jobs, protection, and strength. For, the land of Israel is where I want My people to go. I don’t want you to stay among the Gentiles as the last days unfold. For, Israel shall become a cup of trembling, particularly, the temple mount.

“People around the world shall express their hatred for Israel and the Jews by seeking to kill Jews in Europe and elsewhere. The murders shall only continue. But, I will provide for all who want to leave Europe. Israel will assist you in moving to its land. Now, I want you to prepare yourselves and take your wife and daughter and go to Israel.”

“But, my wife is a Gentile,” Benjamin said. “She is not Jewish in the least. Will the Israeli government accept my non-Jewish wife?”

“My son,” God said, “they will accept her since she is your lawfully wedded wife, even though she is Gentile like most of the world is.”

“That is a relief,” Benjamin said, relaxing a little. “Well, I’ll pack my suitcases then and get things going. But, I have a problem with leaving.”

“What is that, My son?” God said kindly, knowing exactly what Benjamin would say next.

“How can we safely leave France,” Benjamin said, “when the communist French government is hunting down Christians, and we are Jewish Christians?”

“I will show you,” God said.

Tel Aviv. Israel. 2038 A.D. {Francois Israel}

God continued speaking with Francois Israel in his Tel Aviv apartment, saying:

“But, the Name of Jesus in Hebrew is different. However, since most people know English, I use the anglicized version of the Messiah so that I can reach many people. That is why I have chosen the King James Bible to be the Bible for the Gentile and Jewish world that speaks English. I have not chosen other English translations because of errors in their translation and because they have purposely left out certain words and phrases that are found in the original manuscripts of the Bible.

“I also have chosen the English King James Bible because it reflects the language of Hebrew and Greek more accurately than do modern versions. Modern versions render words in modern expressions, but they ignore the broad scope found in the King James language, which is different than modern English. Certain modern expressions have different meanings than similar-sounding archaic words, such as ‘thought.’ ‘Thought’ in modern English means to think about something logically. But, in the older days, ‘thought’ refers to imaginations, ideas, plans, goals, feelings, etc. in a way that is similar to the Hebrew version and the Greek version of ‘thought.’


{An example of what God is referring to is found in 2 Corinthians 10:3-5. Verse 5 says: “[5] Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ ;” [End quote.]

The Greek word for “thought” in 2 Corinthians 10:5 is (Strong’s #3540) noema. It refers to “perception,” “purpose,” “device,” “mind,” “thought,” “intellect,” (according to Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance).

Noah Webster’s 1828 English dictionary defines the word “thought” in several ways. A few definitions include: “Idea,” “conception,” “conceit,” “opinion,” “meditation,” “design ; purpose,” and “solicitude ; care ; concern.” So, the actual meaning of the English word “thought” is deeper than what we typically use today.}


God said to Francois Israel: “So, the King James Bible works for both Jews and Gentiles. And, the King James Bible shows clearly that Jesus Christ is God the Son, which modern versions obscure and often ignore in various subtle ways. Modern versions also ignore the important role of redemption through Jesus Christ and His blood. They teach that the way is ‘difficult’ to salvation. But, the Greek word does not mean ‘difficult.’ It means ‘narrow’ or ‘strait’ like the ‘Strait of Gibraltar.’

“So, the modern versions are corrupt. I recommend seeking Me about this and reading where I lead you to read. You will see the truth for yourself as you do. I recommend reading from the King James Version and seeking Me about anything you are wondering about. I know that the words often can be a little tricky to understand, but My Spirit will guide you in understanding their meanings. Also, if you can, you can obtain an old dictionary or concordance to help you with the words.”

Zurich, Switzerland. 2038 A.D. {Ruth Stein}

A dark-grey van pulled off a highway heading toward Zurich. The van had stopped at the side of the road in a wide, graveled shoulder. As the vehicle’s engine idled, the side doors slid open and out came a group of four people dressed in light jackets to protect against the cool, night air. They removed travel cases from the rear of the van and donned small backpacks. 

Stars appeared overhead, catching Ruth Stein’s eyes. She saw a shooting star flash across the sky directly in front of her eyes. It glowed blue for one second before breaking apart and disappearing into the dark expanse of the sky. 

She and her family had just been dropped off at their next checkpoint on their secret route to Israel. They had been taken by a number of automobiles from France and into Switzerland. Now, not too far from Zurich, they had been dropped off by their contact in an underground network of smugglers. The price had been very expensive to reach this point, but her dad had been a wise investor. Benjamin Stein had saved up much money, which he had earned as a skilled dentist. A good portion of it had been invested in real estate, which he had sold in recent years.

Now, Benjamin Stein was ready to take his family out of “Babylon,” so to speak. He had seen Europe’s crumbling respect for freedom of speech, freedom of worship, and freedom from persecution. With violence, racial hatred, and anti-Jewish sentiment rising like a tide in Europe, Jews were persecuted, beaten, and sometimes killed. The handwriting was on the wall, and he knew he must leave the continent for his family’s safety, and because God was leading him to the holy land, the land of Israel.

As they walked away from the van and the road, Ruth Stein thought about her future and about who she might marry. She was still somewhat young compared to other girls she knew, but she had a desire to start a family in a land that was safe and free from anti-Semitism. The land of Israel looked more promising to her as she thought about the cruelty, suppression of freedoms, hatred of Jews, and persecution of underground Christians that was taking place in all of Europe, which was now under the rule of communist dictatorships which were secretly loyal to Russia.

The family was walking across a grassy field toward a set of lights out in the darkness. Ruth’s mother was walking slightly behind her.

“Ruth, this is exciting, isn’t it?” said her mother, Naomi.

Naomi was a 55-year-old, blond-haired lady who came from the Blanchet family. She had fallen in love with a young, Jewish dentist, and both had gotten married a year later. She was an evangelical Christian, but her husband, Benjamin, was a secular Jew. Though they had different beliefs, they had gotten along well. Desiring to see her husband meet Jesus, she had persuaded him to go to Church with her. Eventually, he did, and two years later, he had accepted Jesus Christ as his personal Savior and Lord.

“Exciting?” Ruth said. “It is exciting, but that isn’t the word I would have thought of, mother.”

“I’m excited to be heading for a new home,” Naomi said.

“I feel excited, but also a little nervous,” Ruth said.

“Since God is protecting us, why should we be afraid?” Naomi said with peace in her heart that could only have come from Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace.

“Let’s hurry up,” a bearded smuggler (called “Viktor”) said gruffly from behind Ruth. “The helicopter will need to leave very soon.”

Suddenly, a whirring sound started up. Then, a loud, whacking hum of helicopter blades filled the air. The lights in the field were blinking at intervals, revealing the presence of a helicopter. The gust of wind from the rotors tugged at Ruth’s hair, sending cool air against her face, causing her to shiver slightly.

Before long, the family had reached the helicopter, and the smuggler accompanying them told them to hurry and get inside. The rough, bearded man helped them place their luggage aboard the helicopter. Then, the four piled in and harnessed themselves into their seats. Once everything was secured, and the doors were shut, the smuggler gave the pilot a “go ahead” signal.

Then, the machine lifted off the ground and ascended to a certain elevation, heading toward the south east. Ruth knew it was flying toward the Democratic Republic of Bosnia, a communist country that had once been called “Bosnia and Herzegovina.” [Note: Bosnia and Herzegovina is the actual name of the country. The other name is fictional.] Once they reached “Bosnia,” they would take a private jet owned by a smuggler and would arrive in Turkey. They would refuel in Turkey and fly toward Cyprus. And, from Cyprus, they would head toward Tel Aviv, Israel.

But, Ruth knew that dealing with smugglers was risky, and the stakes were high. A smuggler could just decide to sell them to a group of criminals, who would turn them over to communist secret police, for a reward. Ruth didn’t want to end up in the hands of the secret police. So, she began praying some more, and telling God her fears.

She knew that men were attracted to her face and blond hair, so she had followed the advice of a kind smuggler, and had put on the head and face covering worn by Muslim women. Her mother had done the same, but only after some hesitation. Both women had never dressed in Muslim clothing before. But, Ruth could already see how useful it had been. The mother and daughter had avoided unwanted attention from men as they had traveled through France and Switzerland.

Paris, France. 2038 A.D. {Rat Tooth}

“A Mister Benjamin Stein; his wife Naomi Blanchet Stein; and their daughter Ruth Stein (who is single) are wanted for being non-conformist Christians,” a man wearing a business suit said as he paced back and forth across a marble floor in his elegant office.

The man’s shaven head and black goatee gave him a diabolical appearance, especially as his face was mostly in shadow.

A group of three gangsters dressed in dark clothing watched him. They were professional bounty hunters, traffickers, and drug smugglers.

“We learned about this family’s illegal religious views from a spy just recently,” the goateed man said. “And, we had strangely lost their whereabouts until we had obtained photos of their faces taken at a traffic stop in Switzerland.”

“We are ready to seize them, Mr. Lagarde,” said “Rat Tooth,” a tall crook with beady eyes.

Nicolas Lagarde eyed Rat closely before he said, “I don’t want this family to escape. If they escape, I will hire someone to bury you. Do you understand?”

“I understand, sir,” Rat said, swallowing.

“Now, Rat, tell me how you plan to capture or kill them,” the goateed man said.

 Tel Aviv. Israel. 2038 A.D. {Francois Israel}

“Very interesting,” Francois said as he listened to his Heavenly Father speak to him.

God continued, saying: “Now, My son, I will show you this truth about Israel. This is the land of your ancestors and the land of the patriarchs since Abraham. It is the land of milk and honey, but sadly, it has been a place of much conflict and fighting, because the devil doesn’t want it to be holy unto Me. Whenever I want to do something good, the devil will always oppose it. So, that is why your land is hotly contested between the Jews and Arabs or the Jews and the Muslims. But, I will show you that this land was given to Israel, and not to the Arabs.

“The Arabs were given the land to the east of Israel, and to the south. But, the Jews were given the land of Israel since I gave it to Abraham by promise. I saw that the original inhabitants, the Canaanites, were very wicked, and I needed a godly line to inherit that land. So, I had Abraham go there. I set up that piece of real estate for Israel so that Israel could be a light to the gentiles that pass through the Middle East.

“Many powerful kingdoms fought for that land including the Crusaders of the Roman Empire, which was the second edition of the Roman Empire. The first edition of the Roman Empire was brought down in the 400s A.D. The second edition of the Roman Empire exists right now. And, the third edition of the Roman Empire shall exist under the reign of the Antichrist that the prophet Daniel spoke of in the book of Daniel, chapter 7 and on. This Antichrist shall seek to devour Israel and devour it because Israel is My land. But, he shall create a peace treaty. But, three and one half years after he creates the treaty, as My Word says, the Antichrist will break his promise to leave Israel alone.

“Instead, the Antichrist -- which the book of Revelation calls the Beast -- shall enter the holy land, defile the third temple, which shall be built, and he shall desecrate it. Then, he shall kill My two witnesses. After they are resurrected and ascend up to Heaven, the Antichrist shall seek to devour the Jewish people and kill them all. But, I will call out to them and bring them into the wilderness of Israel and Jordan. There, I shall protect them and provide for them a wall of fire to keep them safe. I shall be unto them a wall of fire round about as Zechariah 2:5 says.

[Zechariah 2:5 (KJV) says: “[5] For I, saith the Lord, will be unto her a wall of fire round about,
and will be the glory in the midst of her.”]

Chapter 13

Bursa, Turkey. 2038 A.D. {Ruth Stein}

A large, black transport drone hovered over a grassy field outside the town of Bursa in northwestern Turkey. The vehicle resembled the small drones used to film aerial views of real estate property, but this one was large enough to contain an enclosure that could hold 5 people.

“We have just reached our next stopping point,” the pilot said from his seat in the front of the drone cabin.

Ruth looked out the windows at the field in the morning light. It was empty except for a few trees and a pickup truck.

With eight arms jutting out above the rounded passenger / pilot compartment, the machine used powerful electric motors to spin eight 1.52-meter-long rotors. The eight rotors together produced enough thrust to lift the craft off the ground and up to an altitude of 1.3 kilometers. But, the machine had stayed fairly close to the ground in order to avoid being detected by radar.

With the aid of a high-tech computerized system, the pilot sent the drone into an auto-landing mode. Without needing any more instructions from him, the machine descended and lightly touched down near the pickup truck. And, seeing the machine approach, the ground vehicle drew near and came to a stop just fifteen meters away from the drone.

Since the rotors were electric and smallish, they slowed to a slop very quickly. Then, the cabin doors popped open and out came four passengers. Ruth, her mother, and her father stepped out and stretched. They were accompanied by a bearded smuggler who called himself “Viktor,” who opened a compartment in the side of the drone and pulled out a long, coiled recharging cord.

He dragged one end of the long cord from the compartment and over to the back end of the pickup truck. The pickup had a canopy, which he opened. Then, the bearded man crawled inside and plugged the thick power cord into set of strong batteries designed for refueling electric drones and electric cars.

Once he had exited the truck canopy, Viktor said, “Folks, it should take no more than half an hour to recharge the drone’s batteries. After, that we will take off and head toward our next destination in Cyprus.”

“That’s good to hear,” Benjamin Stein said, breathing deeply to calm his nerves. He was worried that perhaps bounty hunters hired by the French government might be tracking him down. He had heard of that, and he had worried that he and his family might now be on a wanted list.

“My son,” God’s kind void said to Benjamin’s spirit, “I am with you. I will protect you from bounty hunters and from secret police. Just stay near the drone, and you will be safe. And, I the LORD your God and Abba Father have spoken.”

“Thank you, Father God,” Benjamin said, relaxing. “Thank you. I know I need your protection all the time, especially since we are Jews.”

Bursa, Turkey. 2038 A.D. {Rat Tooth}

A large, white panel van was parked on the outskirts of Bursa, Turkey. Nondescript, it didn’t stand out much. Some thought it was a company van. Parked on the side of a street, the van sat while its occupants were busy inside.

A tough-looking, Caucasian man with brown, stubbly hair uttered profanities under his breath, in frustration, as he gazed at a computer screen.

“Rat Tooth,” as he was known by his fellow gangsters, was busy checking out real-time satellite imagery of Bursa, searching for a black, passenger drone. He had been very frustrated with himself for missing the non-conformist Christians in Bosnia, where they had switched from a helicopter to an electric, passenger drone.

“Mole, have you got anything from the radar?” Rat said, glancing over at an average-sized man who wore glasses and a brown goatee. Rat was referring to the radar stations nearby. He and his team had equipment for tapping into radar stations to obtain the locations of aircraft.

The Christian’s smugglers had been so good at the switch from a helicopter to a drone, and good at flying low, that radar had almost missed them. But, a few radar stations had picked up the helicopter on its way from Switzerland to Bosnia. Other radar stations had located the drone briefly as it headed over Serbia, but then it had disappeared from all radar. Rat assumed it had flown lower than before to avoid detection.

“I have nothing,” Mole responded, gloomily.

Rat only knew that the drone had traveled to Bursa because some of the smugglers had been contacted by way of a third party. That third party had told Rat’s men that the Christians were headed to Bursa. But, what the third party had not told Rat is that the drone was recharging in a field outside the town’s limits.

“Don’t lose your concentration. Keep your eyes glued to the screen, Mole,” Rat said fiercely. “We are bound to find them sooner or later. After all, drones fly fairly slowly.”

Rat had taken a private, high-speed jet from France to Turkey once he had learned that the Christians where being whisked away to Turkey. He had then been transported by helicopter to a place where he had met up with fellow crooks who had a white, panel van. After driving for half an hour, they had arrived in Bursa.

Thirty minutes later, unknown to the gangsters, a passenger drone had approached a field outside Bursa, and had descended near a recharging unit in the bed of a pickup truck. As the drone recharged its batteries, the gangsters continued to search for the craft, but to no avail.

Tel Aviv. Israel. 2038 A.D. {Francois Israel}

With a computer tablet on pillow, on his lap, Francois Israel was taking notes while God spoke with him.

Francois’s Heavenly Father continued, saying:

“I shall protect those who listen to the prophets I send. I shall send the 144 thousand Jewish believers to warn the children of Israel and turn them back to Me. Then, these witnesses shall bring them to understand that only I, the LORD God of Israel, can save them or anyone for that matter. So, one third of Israel shall heed the messages to repent and seek Me, and I shall transport them over to a haven of refuge in Israel and in the land of Jordan, in the place that originally belonged to Israel on the other side of the Jordan river.

“The other two thirds shall not heed the prophets or the two witnesses, which have been sent down to warn them. These two witnesses are the olive trees before the LORD of the whole earth. If anyone does not heed them, then death shall come upon them, not because I want it, but because they have rejected My Holy Word, the Bible and the messages contained therein.

“Many Jews and Gentiles have corrupted My Words and taught falsehoods in the Name of God, claiming to be My ministers, but I never sent them, and I never put those words into their mouths. I called them out and to repent, but they didn’t listen, so destruction shall come upon them. They are sodomites, fornicators, liars, thieves, haters of God, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God, false accusers, and so forth. These shall die by the sword that I send upon the wicked. The Antichrist shall slay all of them, sadly. I don’t want this to happen, but woe be unto those who hate Me and who reject the warnings, signs, judgments, and prophecies given because they love the things of the world more than Me.

“I have no respect of persons or favorites. Jews and Gentiles are alike to Me, but I have chosen the Jews to be a light to the Gentiles and to give the Gospel of the good news of the Messiah to the world. The first Christians were the twelve Jewish apostles. Simon Peter, a Jewish fisherman; Zaccheus, a Jewish tax collector; Matthew, a Jewish tax collector; Paul, a Jewish Pharisee; Luke, a Jewish physician; Barnabas, a wealthy land owner of Jewish ancestry, and many other Jews spread the Gospel of the good news of salvation through the Messiah, Jesus Christ of Nazareth, who was thought to be the son of Joseph.

“But, in actuality, he had no father, and no mother because He is God the Son, who is spoken of in the book of Acts, in the book of Exodus, Leviticus, in the book of Isaiah, in the book of Psalms, and throughout the Old Testament. He had no earthy father because Mary was overshadowed by the Holy Ghost, or Holy Spirit, and she gave birth as a virgin. He had no mother except for the mother of His body, but He had no mother because He created Mary. Mary didn’t form Him. He created Her from nothing and gave her life.

“I speak of My Son in the book of Psalm in Psalm number 110. I said unto My Son, ‘Sit thou at my right hand, until I make thine enemies thy footstool.’ I said this because Jesus Christ is at My right hand, and I am His Father, and He is My Son. I know you don’t understand this because a father on earth must have a mother and must have a wife. He needs to be born from his mother, and he needs a wife in order to have a son. But, I have no mother or father, for I am God, and I created all things. And, I have no need for anyone else to exist who is like Me, for I am God, and there is no one else that exists, or will exist, or that has existed who is like unto Me.

“Now, I will tell you that Jesus Christ is also the one who died for your sins. He bled on the cross of Calvary, the place of the skull, in Jerusalem. There, an inscription was placed above His head. It read: ‘This is jesus the king of the jews.’” {Matthew 27:37 (KJV).}

“Pilate, the Roman governor in Jerusalem, had the inscription placed over Christ’s head to show that Jesus Christ is indeed the King of the Jews, and the Savior of the world. Pilate also declared that: ‘I find no fault in this man.’” {Luke 23:4 (KJV).} “This was due to the fact that the Roman governor examined and questioned Jesus, having heard much about Him, and the governor realized that Jesus was innocent. But, Pilate didn’t know that Jesus was fulfilling the prophecy in Isaiah that He would go to the cross willingly, like a sheep led to the slaughter. Jesus did this to save the world from their sins. Jews and Gentiles now are able to be saved by trusting in the blood of Jesus Christ.

My Word says this in Isaiah 53: He was oppressed, and he was afflicted, yet he opened not his mouth : he is brought as a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before her shearers is dumb, so he openeth not his mouth. He was taken from prison and from judgment : and who shall declare his generation ? for he was cut off out of the land of the living : for the transgression of my people was he stricken. And he made his grave with the wicked, and with the rich in his death ; because he had done no violence, neither was any deceit in his mouth.

“I say these things through the prophet Isaiah to show how the Messiah would have to suffer and die and give up His life so that you and all people could be saved and washed from all your sins and transgressions. The blood of lambs, bulls, goats, and other animals cannot save you. It was meant as a shadow of things to come. But, the blood of Jesus Christ, the Messiah, is the only blood that can save you from your sins. By trusting in His blood alone, you are saved and cleansed.

“The high priest, on the day of atonement, offered the sacrifice and brought its blood into the temple. By offering a sacrifice for the sins of the people and for his own sins, the priest was able to enter into the holy of holies to place blood on the mercy seat, to plead for the people and for himself. But, Jesus Christ offered Himself once as the sacrifice. And, through His sinless blood, Jesus gives you the ability to enter My temple in Heaven without any works on your part. All you need to do is believe on the Name of Jesus Christ, and you will be saved.”

After this, God spoke many more things to Francois Israel. And, he wrote them down on his tablet, which was not connected to the internet.

An Island Near Larnaca, Cyprus. 2038 A.D. {Ruth Stein}

The passenger drone slowly descended toward an island two miles off the coast of Larnaca, Cyprus. The island was small, rocky, and uninhabited, but an ATV utility vehicle was parked near the shore and not far from a dock where a large motor boat was moored.

The black, eight-rotor, passenger drone gently touched down on a patch of grass, and its rotors slowed quickly. Then, the doors once more opened, and out stepped its four passengers. The pilot remained in the cab to check off some things. While he did, Ruth stretched her arms and yawned. It had been a while since she had slept, and she felt very tired. They had been flying all night and into the morning. And, she had only slept for brief periods of time, here and there.

“Honey,” Ruth’s mother, Naomi, said, “I know we’re all tired, but God will give us the grace we need. Just look to Him for strength.”

“You’re right, mother,” Ruth said, after yawning again.

“My child,” Benjamin said smiling gently as he approached his 24-year-old daughter, “we will soon arrive in Tel Aviv. We’ll stay at a hotel while we get nationalized. The Israeli government has made the process easy for Jews, since Israel is the home of our ancestors. Then, we will look for an apartment.”

“That sounds very good, daddy,” Ruth said. “I just hope we can refuel quickly.”

As she spoke, a loud motor sound came from the ocean. Ruth turned to see a small ship heading their way. It belonged to the Cyprian coastguard, as its flags and insignia indicated.

“This doesn’t look good,” Ruth said as she watched the large vessel approach.

The small ship slowed to a stop, and a launch was lowered into the sea. Armed sailors and an officer appeared in the vessel. As the smaller boat pulled away from the ship with a roar, a second powerboat was lowered on cables into the sea. It contained more armed men.

“In a short time, they will reach the island, and, no doubt,” thought Ruth, “with orders to arrest us.”

In less than a minute, the sailors had reached the sandy shore in their motorboats. They hopped out of the watercrafts and cocked their machine guns. Then, they hurried cautiously across the grass over to the group of people near the passenger drone.

Once they had reached the group, the officer said, “Who are you people and what are you doing on this island?”

“We are recharging the batteries on this drone,” said a bearded man who stood near the ATV utility vehicle.

A trailer was attached to back end of the blue ATV. On the trailer rested a stainless-steel box which contained the batteries for recharging the drone. A thick power cord had been plugged into the large battery box and it ran up to an opened compartment in the side of the black drone.

“Who are you and what is your business being on Cyprian soil?” said the coastguard officer, a dark haired man with an tough appearance. “If you don’t answer me truthfully, I will have you taken aboard our vessel and interrogated.”

Viktor, a bearded smuggler, said, “Sir, we have a good reason for being here. And, we are willing to give you and your men a gratuity for your kindness in assisting us with some important business.”

Viktor smiled unabashedly and slowly drew out a wallet from his pocket and carefully slipped out a wad of cash. It was in a currency that many Cyprians used. Seeing the bribe money, the officer changed his attitude and swallowed as he thought about the offer.

“My assistance in your business may be a little pricy, since I have many bills to pay,” the corrupt officer said.

“This gratuity can be increased easily,” Viktor said. “How about this?”

He reached into a different pocket and drew out more cash, which was in large denominations. Seeing it, the officer said, “I’ll accept your gratuity this time. But, just make sure you leave this island and don’t return here again.”

Viktor handed the man the money, and the officer slipped the bank notes into his pocket.

“I understand,” Viktor said. “Would it be possible for us to leave in half an hour?”

“Yes, you may,” the officer said. “But, don’t come back, or I might have to forget that I received anything from you.”

“Yes, sir,” Viktor said. “We will never return to this island.”

“Very good,” the man said, smiling briefly. Then, he awkwardly said, “Now, I must go.”

The officer motioned for his men to join him as he walked back toward a launch. As he walked, he whispered some things to the sailors. Then, he reached into his pocket and handed them some cash.

Once the sailors had entered the powerboats and had left for their coastguard vessel, Viktor turned to the Stein family and said solemnly, “I saved all of us from going to prison, and being sent back to our own countries for detainment.”

“But,” Viktor continued, “I bribed them with a lot of money. It was equivalent to the pay that a middle-income worker could earn in eight months. So, Mr. Stein, before we continue this journey, I need to be reimbursed.”

“How much was it exactly?” Benjamin Stein said, gazing at Viktor.

When the smuggler gave him the number, Benjamin sighed. Then, he said, “Well, that puts me back financially quite a bit, but I will pay you the money.”

“You can afford it, can’t you?” Viktor said, eying his client suspiciously.

“Yes, but I will be less well off financially,” Benjamin said, looking down. “But, God will take care of us. And, I understood the coastguard would have arrested us if we hadn’t bribed them.”

“So, you will or you won’t pay me the money?” Viktor said, frowning and squinting at the Jewish man. “Do you want to be picked up by the Cyprian coastguard, or be taken to Israel by drone?”

Benjamin wondered, deep down in his heart, if God had actually led him to find a smuggler. Perhaps, God had a different way of getting him to Israel than by a smuggler. Nonetheless, he had made the decision to hire Viktor and his men to assist his family in getting to Israel, so Benjamin reached into his pocket and drew out a leather, zippered bag. From the bag, he removed several golden coins, which were encased in sturdy, plastic covers.

As he handed the money to Viktor, the smuggler’s expression changed and he said, “I was once a coin dealer. I recognize these at once. They are very valuable. I’ll take them as pay.”

Hearing that, Benjamin was relieved. He had feared that the smuggler would only want cash, which Benjamin was short of.

“We’ll be off in a little while,” the smuggler said, grinning. “Why don’t you people enjoy the fresh sea breeze, and then you’ll soon be on your way to your land of milk and honey.”

Turkey. 2038 A.D. {Rat Tooth}

Rat Tooth sat in the driver’s seat of the white panel van. Turkish countryside passed by the windows on either side of him. But, he ignored its beauty. All he could think about was where the Christians and their smugglers went. Rat’s informant had no idea where exactly the Christians’ next destination would be, except that it would be somewhere in the island of Cyprus.

As he watched road signs pass by, Rat swore loudly and cursed the Christians and their God. He was so angry with himself for putting his trust in an informant who Rat thought “didn’t know anything about anything.” “I might as well ask a dog to give me the directions,” Rat thought to himself.

Sitting in front passenger seat, Mole cringed. “When will Rat stop complaining about things so I can think things through,” Mole thought with annoyance at his boss’s behavior.

“Mole,” Rat said angrily, “I will wipe out that informant who gave us poor intelligence.”

“If that pleases you, sir,” Mole said calmly, while he thought about how he could get Rat to be quiet. “Rat is just talking on and on,” he thought with deep frustration, “and that is keeping me from finding the solution to our problem. I almost had it, but he made me forget it by his constant yakking and ranting.”

An Island Near Larnaca, Cyprus. 2038 A.D. {Ruth Stein}

Half an hour later, the power cord was unplugged from the battery box, coiled up, and stowed in the compartment in the side of the drone. Then, the ATV driver hopped into his machine and drove over to the dock where his boat was moored. A couple men in the boat helped him position a ramp on the dock which led into the back of the boat.

As this was happening, the pilot of the drone did a preflight check.

“Look!” Ruth exclaimed suddenly. She was standing on a boulder and looking out to sea.

A coast guard ship was heading in their direction. This one was different than the first one they had seen. And, it was moving rapidly, cutting through the water with its sharp prow.

Benjamin walked over to his daughter and squinted in the direction she was pointing. Sure enough, the coast guard craft was roaring through the water toward the island. No doubt, they had been spotted.

“Hurry, and get inside the drone!” Viktor cried.

The small family and their escort scrambled into the passenger drone and slammed the doors shut. But, the pilot was still taking his time to do the preflight check.

“Get us off the ground now,” Viktor shouted at the pilot. “The coast guard is coming our way. We can’t bribe them, so move!”

“Right away, sir,” the pilot said, dropping his clip board.

He reached for some switches and turned on the electric motors that powered the eight rotors on the arms above their heads. The rotors began to spin, but a warning light appeared on a display screen, and an error sound echoed through the cabin.

“What’s happening?” Viktor said.

The pilot pressed some buttons and frowned. Then, he shook his head. “It looks like one of the motors has failed to start. It could be some mechanical problem.”

“Will this thing fly?” Viktor said, nervous.

The pilot was busy at the controls, looking at some of the instruments. And, he didn’t respond.

“Did you hear me?” Viktor said.

“It should,” the pilot said, gazing at the controls.

“It should what?” the smuggler screamed.

“It should fly, sir,” came the reply.

“Then, take us off the ground now!” Viktor roared.

With that, the pilot took the controls, and the vehicle slowly began to ascend. The small island with its little dock gradually grew smaller and smaller below the drone’s fuselage. Then, the man at the controls sent the vehicle heading on a course across the Mediterranean toward Israel. And, everyone gave a sigh of relief.


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{Links to the Story Chapters are found in the Table of Contents Page.} 

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