The Marriage Supper Parable - A Cartoon with Sound Effects, Music, and Scripture - A Teaching of Jesus in Matthew 22

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Monday, August 19, 2019

(CHAPTER 14) The Adventures of Matthew Jeremiah in Europe (A Novel / Word from God)

 The Adventures of
Matthew Jeremiah
in Europe:

The Sister of Babylon

Chapter 14

(For Chapter 1, click Here.)

(Europe Shall Face Hardship)

Click Here for the TABLE of CONTENTS

{Links to the Story Chapters are found in the Table of Contents Page.}

This is a word from God written in the format of a story.
The characters are fictional,
but what shall happen in Europe and America's future is not fictional.
Please seek God about this story / document and about the
messages that are presented in it. God will reveal the truth to you.
America and Europe will both soon experience
 very challenging times in the years ahead.

Chapter 14

Tel Aviv, Israel. 2038 A.D. {Ruth Stein}

The black passenger drone hovered over an empty parking lot on the outskirts of Tel Aviv, Israel. Then, the machine slowly descended and landed in the middle of the lot. The doors opened and out came Ruth Stein and her mother and father. Viktor, the smuggler, emerged a few seconds later, after talking with the pilot briefly.

“It is nice to finally be in Israel, the land of our ancestors,” Ruth Stein said as she breathed in the fresh air.

“It certainly is,” Naomi Stein, her mother, said.

Ruth stretched a little and then took in her surroundings. She was standing in a parking lot near a city park. A few trees dotted the park, and a children’s playground filled up one corner of the common. The park was mostly empty, but the few people who were in the park glanced her way and gazed at the strange flying machine with its eight rotors.

Even with one rotor out of action, the other seven had automatically compensated so that the drone vehicle could stay airborne and maintain the same altitude and speed. But, doing so used more electricity and drained the battery faster.

Ruth gazed at the park and at the sky above it, with her back to the parking lot. She was very glad to be safe on Israel’s soil. Having a heart full of joy, she thanked God and breathed praises to Him for His love, mercy, and protection.

“Thank you, Heavenly Father for protecting us,” Ruth whispered as she looked toward the sky.

“You are welcome, My daughter,” God’s kind voice said to her spirit. “I love you very much. Wait and see, My daughter. I will soon bring you to your future husband. Look to Me and all will go well. I love you very much, and I the LORD your God and Abba Father have spoken.”

“My future husband?” Ruth said, surprised. “What do you mean?”

“I have in store for you, My daughter, a future husband,” God said. “He will love you and take care of you here in Israel. He is a Jewish man who is a little older than you, but he will be a good husband for you. You will be able to raise your family here in Israel until the time of the end, when I bring in My everlasting Kingdom and My rule over all the earth, and then I shall bring in My everlasting second earth and the city of New Jerusalem, which shall descend out of Heaven like a bride prepared for her husband. That new city shall rest upon the new earth. That is where you shall live with all the saints forever and ever. And, I the LORD your God and Abba Father have spoken.”

“Wow,” Ruth said, amazed. “I look forward to that time. But, my future husband is somewhere in Israel right now?”

“That is correct, My daughter,” God said. “I will bring you to him. Indeed, his father will meet your family very soon. And, you will be introduced to him. And, I the LORD your God and Abba Father have spoken.”

“Wow,” Ruth was even more amazed. “You are saying, Abba Father God, that you will bring us together very soon?”

“That is right, My daughter,” God said kindly. “But, don’t put your husband to be before Me. Look to Me, and rest, and trust in Me, and obey what I lead you to do. Seeking to know Me intimately, and resting, and meditating on My Word will bless you. And, I the LORD your God have spoken.”

“Thank you, Abba Father,” Ruth said. “I want to do that more.”

“Very good, My daughter,” God said.

Just as she finished speaking with her Heavenly Father, Ruth heard the sound of a car pulling to a stop in the parking lot behind her. She turned around and saw a taxi parked a short distance from the passenger drone. Her dad was speaking with the driver.

Then, after a minute, he turned toward Ruth and said, “Ruth, come, I’ve got us a ride. We will be going to a hotel right away.”

“Okay, daddy,” Ruth said as approached him.

Traveling cases rested beside the drone, ready to be moved. So, she and her family placed their luggage into the trunk (or boot) of the taxi and climbed in. Their smuggler, Viktor, was nowhere to be seen. She thought he might be in the drone, but she could be sure. Curious, Ruth gazed out of her passenger window at the parking lot and the drone. The black vehicle suddenly turned on, and seven of its eight rotors began spinning. Then, it took off. She didn’t see where it went from there because the taxi was now turning onto a street and merging with traffic.

“Likely Viktor is with the pilot and is making his way to a recharging station,” Ruth thought.

“So, you folks have just arrived in Israel by drone?” the taxi driver said as he drove.

“That’s right, sir,” Benjamin Stein said through the opening in the Plexiglas divider, which separated the back end from the front end of the cab.

“Are you citizens of Israel?” the driver said as the guided the car through the busy Tel Aviv streets.

“Not yet, but we’ve heard that becoming citizens is fairly easy for Jews,” Benjamin said.

“That’s right,” the driver said, glancing back at his passengers, “but I can help you out. I just got naturalized myself. And, I can put in a good word for you, if you like. That might help speed up the process of being naturalized.”

“Well, that is kind of you, sir,” Benjamin said, grinning. “I give God the glory for helping me. We had just taken a harrowing journey from France to some European countries, and then on to Israel.”

“Are you a religious Jew?” the taxi driver said as he drove.

“I am a believer in Jesus or Yeshua, the Messiah,” Benjamin said, boldly.

The driver turned back and grinned. “So am I,” he said. “It is nice to meet a brother in the Lord.”

“I am glad to see we are not alone in Israel,” Benjamin said.

“No,” the driver said, “we’re not alone. We have a community of Messianic Jews in Israel. Come to Church with me on the Sabbath. I’ll introduce you to my son, Francois. By the way, my name is Judah Israel.”

“That is a very religious name,” Benjamin said. “Very Jewish indeed.”

“It is,” Judah Joseph Israel said, smiling. “My father named me Judah because he wanted his family to be Jews, and not Gentiles. He wanted us to remember our inheritance from Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. He didn’t want us to become agnostics and be just like the average person in Europe.”

“I am Benjamin Stein,” Benjamin said. “I was named Benjamin after my grandfather.”

“It is nice to meet you, folks,” Judah said, glancing back at them. “By the way, do you know where you are going to have dinner tonight?”

“A restaurant probably,” Benjamin said.

“Why don’t you come over to my place,” Judah said. “My son and I love to cook. We’ll make you some tasty food. I can give you my cell-phone number.”

Benjamin look at his wife and daughter. “What do you think?” he asked them.

“I would love to,” his wife said. And, his daughter nodded, wondering if this believing taxi driver had something to do with the prophecy God had given her.

Tel Aviv, Israel. 2038 A.D. {Ruth Stein}

That evening, when the sun was moving closer to the horizon, the Steins walked down a hallway in an apartment building in Tel Aviv. Benjamin Stein stopped before a door, number 305, and knocked.

A 31-year-old man opened it and said, “How may I help you?”

“I am Benjamin Stein,” Benjamin said. “Your father invited us over for dinner.”

“Oh, that’s right,” the 31-year-old said. “I was busy preparing food, and my mind got sidetracked. Come on in.”

Ruth watched Francois Israel with quick, shy glances. He was a tall man with brown, curly hair and hazel eyes. When Ruth saw him, she blushed slightly. She had a sense in her spirit that this man could be her future husband.

“Welcome, my friends,” Judah said from the kitchen where he was putting the finishing touches on a dish. “Make yourselves comfortable. The dinner will be served in just three minutes, I estimate.”

As Ruth took a seat on a couch in the small living room, Francois noticed her glancing his way. He prepared some things and then walked into the living room with a tray filled with glasses and a pitcher of ice water.

“Would you folks care for a refreshing drink of H2O?” Francois asked the guests.

“That would be good,” Naomi said as she reached for a glass. “Thank you.”

“Have you ever tried… ?” Francois said to Ruth, naming a tasty, French pasta dish that contained beef.

“No, I haven’t,” the 24-year-old said.

“You’ll love it if you like pasta,” Francois said, winking at her.

“You like to cook?” Ruth said.

“Some friends, who are assistant chefs, taught me a few things,” Francois said, smiling.

“I would love to try that dish you made,” she said.

The rest of the evening was pleasant, and the group had good, edifying conversations, both during and after dinner, about Biblical topics, the land of Israel, God, and Jesus Christ, God the Son. After the meal was over, Francois and Ruth sat at the dinner table and talked while Mr. and Mrs. Stein visited with Judah in the living room. The older adults could see them from the living room, so they could be accountable.

After Ruth and Francois had spoken for a while, Francois said, “Ruth, would you and your family like to come back here for another meal? Perhaps a few days from now or even tomorrow?”

“I would love to visit again,” Ruth said, smiling. “Perhaps tomorrow, if that works for us. But, we have to get our citizenship and find an apartment. We’re staying in a hotel right now.”

“Okay,” Francois said, “well, perhaps we can visit when you are able.”

“Perhaps,” Ruth said coyly, but she smiled at him.

Greece. 2038 A.D. {Rat Tooth}

“That is the last time I hire you to work for me,” the black-goateed man growled angrily as he spoke into his cell phone.

“Sir, I will track down that Jewish family and catch them,” Rat Tooth’s voice came through the speaker. “I had been misled by an ignorant informant, but I will take a more --”

“No you won’t,” Nicolas Lagarde said coldly, cutting him off. “I will hire someone else, who will finish the job once and for all. I have already wasted too much time talking with you over the phone. I hope I never hear your wretched voice again.”

Before Rat could respond, Nicolas hung up, ending the conversation. Rat was fuming with anger and frustration. He tossed his cell phone on the floor of the white panel van and stomped on it. As he did, he accidentally pressed the accelerator pedal, and the van surged forward faster than before. The white panel van roared down the country road in Greece, going 12 kilometers-per-hour faster than the speed limit. Trees, pastures, and houses raced past his side windows.

Just as Rat tried to apply the breaks, a police siren pierced the air, wailing loudly. Rat glanced in his side mirrors and saw a Greek police car in hot pursuit of him. Blue flashing lights came on above the front windscreen (windshield).

Not desiring to get pulled over because he was an internationally-wanted criminal, Rat kept the pedal to the floor, and increased speed. But, he didn’t realize that he was in a trap. A set of collapsible, tire-popping spikes had been placed across the road just moments ago. On the other side of the spikes were two police cars parked 30 meters away.

Pow. Pow. Pow. Loud popping sounds came from his tires, and Rat lost control of the van. The gangster cringed as he gripped the steering wheel tighter. In seconds, the panel van skidded across the road and came to a stop in the gravel at the side of the highway. Then, the two police cars roared into action and approached him quickly. The cars came to a sudden stop nearby. And, out came four police officers with drawn weapons.

“Step out of the vehicle with your hands raised!” a Greek police officer shouted in English as he trained his gun on Rat.

Reluctantly, “Rat Tooth,” an international gangster, drug-seller, bounty-hunter, and trafficker, cursed and opened the driver door of the van. He stepped out, raising his hands. Rat was alone. Mole had parted ways with him in Turkey. Fully of fury, Rat quietly uttered swearwords as cold, metal cuffs were snapped around his wrists.

The police soon had him securely handcuffed and in the back of a police car, heading toward a jail. In the years that followed, Rat would get to stare at the white walls of a prison cell and think about his life.

Tel Aviv, Israel. 2038 A.D. {Francois and Ruth}

The wedding of Francois Israel and Ruth Stein took place in the countryside north of Tel Aviv. It was a medium-sized wedding. Members of the Messianic synagogue (to which the Steins and the Israels belonged) formed the bulk of the people who came to the wedding ceremony. A few visitors attended, along with some orthodox Jews, who were curious about Messianic Jews’ beliefs.

Three months had passed since Francois and Ruth had first met each other. During that time, they had visited and dated each other in the company of Ruth’s mother and father. That kept them responsible to be chaste as single people. Then, after what seemed a long time to Francois and Ruth, the big day of the wedding had finally arrived.

And, the couple was deeply in love. They had both sought God about each other, and both had heard from their Abba Father that He had chosen them for each other. Being certain God had spoken to them, the couple had studied the Bible together and sought God together and apart, in prayer. Then, they had agreed upon a date for the wedding.

When the wedding ceremony was come to a close, the Messianic pastor said, “And, Ruth, do you take Francois Israel to be your lawfully wedded husband?”

“I do,” she said.

The pastor had just asked a similar question of Francois, who had said the same answer as his soon-to-be wife.

A few more questions followed. Then, the pastor said, “I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride.”

Before the crowd gathered outdoors, the newly-wed couple kissed each other briefly. And, Francois whispered to his wife, “I will kiss you more, dear, but not in front of so many eyes.”

“That is fine, darling,” Ruth whispered back as she gazed lovingly into her husband’s hazel eyes. “I know you love me.”

“You are more beautiful than a priceless, blue sapphire stone on black velvet,” Francois said, gazing into his wife’s blue eyes. “I love you very much, my darling. And, moreover, Jesus Christ loves us and the whole world passionately beyond what words can say. He loved us enough to literally die for us.”

“You’re right, honey,” Ruth said, smiling. “Jesus Christ is our Life. I want to spread His truth to the world, and see the lost come to Jesus for salvation.”

“Amen,” Francois said. “I completely agree.”

{The End}


Click Here for the TABLE of CONTENTS

{Links to the Story Chapters are found in the Table of Contents Page.} 


🌍 ➠ If you would like to know Abba God the Father and Jesus Christ (God the Son), and be saved from sin, click here to read more. There is no other way of salvation than by trusting in Jesus Christ the Savior (1 Timothy 2:5-6). Our own works can never save us.

"[3] For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour ; 
[4] who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth. [5] For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus ; [6] who gave himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time." [1 Timothy 2:3-6.]

"[38] Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost." [Acts 2:38.]

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