Characters in Steven's Amazing Adventures (With Details about their Appearances and Lives)
But, this story is not just a story. It contains messages from God and prophecies that actually shall happen. It is written as fiction with fictional characters, but the message of the story is very real, and the cataclysmic events, touched on in this story, will actually impact this earth as God’s Holy Bible and its prophecies unfold. The world will soon enter a time much like that portrayed in this story. I encourage you to seek God about this to see what He will show you.
Miracles will abound and awesome sights will astonish people in these last days.
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Here are the names of most of the important characters, arranged alphabetically:
Abdul Hamed; Alexei Khlebov; Cheng Yuan;
Elise Tangen; Felix Tangen; Hu Zheng;
Inga Jacobsen; Jason Harper;
Karl Holst; Mark Mzembi; Nguyen Duc Quang;
Sarah O’Neill; Sergey Ulanov; Sheng Guo; Sizwe Mahlangu;
Steven O’Neill; Toben Nenge; Vasily Volvakov;
Wu Yang
Details about these characters are included below. The names are in alphabetical order.
(Note: None of these characters are intended to represent specific people who actually exist. Any similarities to living people are coincidental.)
_____ _____ _____ _____
Name: Abdul Hamed
Age: 25
First appears in: PART 20: “Communist Norway”
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Basic description: Abdul Hamed was born in Syria. He has dark hair, brown eyes, and a clean-shaven face and is single. During the Syrian Civil War, Abdul fled to Europe and found refuge in Norway along with his brother, Zahid.
Abdul's life was very challenging in Norway. As his life got more difficult, due to the pestering he received from some people for being Muslim, and due to his hopeless prospects of getting a job, Abdul began crying out to Allah and fasting. But, after spending much time in fervent prayer to Allah, and performing his duties to Islam, Abdul had felt more empty and lonely than before. So, he began searching online to learn about other religions.
That is when he came across a website, in the summer of 2016, that would change his life forever. It was a website that was designed to answer questions Muslims would have about Jesus, who Muslims call Isa. He began video chatting with people from the website and learned more and more about Jesus. After a year, Abdul committed his life to Jesus and became His disciple, trusting in Jesus Christ's blood to wash away his sins.
Shortly after that, he joined the Oslo Bible Chapel (a fictional congregation), a church where Karl Holst was attending. The persecution he received from his brother, Zahid, drove Abdul to find shelter with a kind, Christian, Norwegian family. A few years after becoming a disciple of Jesus, Abdul witnessed Norway being invaded by a neo-soviet Russia.* He, Karl, and some other believers left the church and went underground, meeting in secret locations.
[*Note: It is not the intention of this story to make Russia, China, or any country look bad. This story is simply portraying what the future may look like based on prophetic words from God. This writer encourages you to seek God about this matter if you are wondering.]
Opening Location: Norway. Abdul is first seen in Oslo, Norway partaking in an underground church meeting in the basement of an apartment building.
_____ _____ _____ _____
Name: Alexei Khlebov
Age: 35
First appears in: PART 1: "Russian Winter"
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Basic description: He has red hair and a somewhat short beard, and is single. He is athletic and fit. Alexei worked as a logger operating a Feller-Buncher machine. He lived in an apartment in a Siberian town some miles from Medvedski, where Sergey Ulanov lives. While in his late twenties, Alexei became friends with Sergey after meeting him at a Bible study, which Sergey had visited on several occasions.
When the Russian Federation became communistic and began to persecute true disciples of Jesus, the Church had to go underground as they had during the days of the Cold War (prior to 1990). Feeling God leading him away from his small town environment and toward Novosibirsk, Alexei moved to the city of 1.5 million.
While there, he became part of an underground network of Christians who were attempting to spread the Gospel through the city and in the surrounding countryside. In Novosibirsk, Alexei worked as a delivery truck driver for a package delivery company. Using his delivery truck job as cover, Alexei was able to drop off boxes in certain locations along his normal route. Those boxes contained Bibles and Gospel tracts, which the new communistic Russia banned. Members of the underground network would pick up the boxes to distribute the Bibles and literature.
When Jason Harper and Steve and Sarah O'Neill were miraculously translated to Novosibirsk, Alexei met them by an appointment from God and invited Jason to stay in a spare bedroom of his apartment, while the O'Neills stayed with a Christian Russian couple Alexei knew. After some days of earnestly seeking God's will and growing more and more in his walk with God, Alexei felt God directing him to quit his job with the package delivery company, and not renew his apartment lease.
Then, Alexei, Steve, Sarah, and Jason all felt God telling them that He would translated them to a city of refuge in China. Two days later, a miracle happened. In the same way that Philip, in the book of Acts, was translated away from the Ethiopian eunuch, who had just been baptized, they were translated away from Alexei's apartment, and arrived at a city of refuge in a remote location in China.
Opening Location: Russia. Alexei Khlebov was first seen in the wilderness of Siberia, traveling with Steven and Sarah O’Neill and Jason Harper to the village of Medvedski.
_____ _____ _____ _____
Name: Cheng Yuan
Age: 42
First appears in: PART 13: “The Nature of the Antichrist”
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Basic description: He is a Chinese man from Yunnan Province, China. He has a clean-shaven face and dark hair, and is of a medium-build. He is first seen carrying a backpack, a sleeping bag, and some survival gear. Cheng is married and has a son and a daughter. When persecution against Christians greatly increased in Yunnan, China, Cheng came to the decision that he needed to escape.
He had pleaded with his wife to come with him, but she had refused time and time again. Seeing that his wife was not going to come with him, Cheng fled into the jungle, leaving his family behind. He prayed that God would deliver them from harm and take care of them.
Opening Location: China. Cheng is first seen in the Yunnan jungle of southern China.
_____ _____ _____ _____
Name: Elise Tangen
Age: 38
First appears in: PART 21
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Basic description: Elise Tangen is a 38-year-old lady with long, light brown hair and an average build. She is married to Felix Tangen, a friend of Karl's. She and Felix have no children due to a barren womb. She loves Jesus Christ and has a thirst for God's Word, the Bible. While she is not a very outgoing person at first, Elise begins to exercise her faith more as the story progresses. She and Inga Jacobsen are close friends in spite of the fact that they are 16 years apart in age.
Opening Location: Norway. Elise is first seen in Oslo, Norway partaking in a secret prayer meeting in the basement of her house.
_____ _____ _____ _____
Name: Felix Tangen
Age: 47
First appears in: PART 21
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Basic description: Felix Tangen is a struggling Norwegian Christian, who is friends with Karl Holst. With a height of 6 feet and 5 inches, Felix has semi-short, brown hair, which is graying at the temples, and a somewhat stocky build. He became a Christian at an early age and regularly attended a Bible-believing church until communist Russia took over his country of Norway during a land and sea invasion.
An electrical technician by trade, Felix had saved up and purchased a nice, two-story, five-bedroom house and a couple newer cars. He allows secret Bible studies and prayer meetings to take clandestinely place in his house, knowing that they are illegal under the new, communistic regime that controls Norway. In the future, all of Europe will be under the control of a neo-soviet Russia through puppet governments loyal to communistic leaders in Moscow, Russia.
Felix is a dynamic character, but I will not spoil the plot for you, so read about Felix Tangen in PART 21, PART 22, and on.
Opening Location: Norway. Felix is first seen in Oslo, Norway partaking in a secret prayer meeting in the basement of his house.
_____ _____ _____ _____
Age: 24
First appears in: PART 13: “The Nature of the Antichrist”
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Basic description: Hu is a young Chinese man who is clean shaven and has straight, dark hair, and is single. He is athletic and accustomed to exploring the jungle in the Chinese province of Yunnan, where he lives. He was persecuted for his faith in Jesus Christ by his aunt and uncle. His parents did not really persecute him for becoming a follower of Christ, but they had remained indifferent to his pleadings with them that they turn to Jesus for salvation.
But, his aunt and uncle threatened him. At a time when Hu was speaking well of Christians, Hu's uncle, Bo, an animist, had threatened to put a curse on him if he ever became a Christian. After he became a disciple of Jesus, Hu's aunt, Li, had threatened to turn in Hu to the authorities if Hu did not renounce his faith in Jesus.
The persecution from his relatives became more intense and reached a point where his parents asked that Hu never speak of Jesus within their hearing. Hu sought God in earnest prayer and in patiently listening to His voice. Then, Hu headed into the wilderness, after hearing God tell him to go south into the jungle.
He is first seen carrying a backpack, a sleeping bag, a sleeping pad, and some basic gear. But, he trusts in God to provide for all his needs. While in the jungle, he meets other Christians and has an adventure filled with amazing miracles and supernatural escapes.
Opening Location: China. Hu is first seen in a jungle in the Yunnan Province of China. He is heading toward Southeast Asia to escape communistic soldiers and police.
_____ _____ _____ _____
Name: Inga Jacobsen
Age: 22 (almost 23) (She will turn 23 in November.)
First appears in: PART 20: “Communist Norway”
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Basic description: Inga is a Norwegian college student studying at the University of Oslo. She is single and never had been married. An ethnic Norwegian, Inga is a brunette with brown eyes. She frequently attends secret Bible study meetings with Karl Holst, Toben Nenge, Elise Tangen, and other Christians. She is somewhat attracted to Karl and wonders if he truly is interested in her.
Opening Location: Norway. Inga is first seen in Oslo, Norway partaking in an underground church meeting in the basement of an apartment building.
_____ _____ _____ _____
Name: Jason Harper
Age: 34
First appears in: PART 1: "Russian Winter"
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Basic description: Jason has a clean-shaven face and brown hair. He is somewhat athletic and single, having never been married. He was an American from Cincinnati, Ohio, when America still existed. While in America, he worked in building construction.
He fled from America with his friend Steven O’Neill and Steve's wife, Sarah, and was translated with the O'Neills to Russia, where they met Alexei. (Read about how they met Alexei in the entry about Alexei Khlebov.) Later, they were translated to a city of refuge in China. They lived in China for a short time before being translated to Medvedski, Russia. The story opens with them walking toward the town of Medvedski, during the winter.
Opening Location: Russia. Jason Harper was first seen in the wilderness of Siberia, traveling with Steven and Sarah O’Neill to the village of Medvedski. He originally lived in the Cincinnati, Ohio area not far from the O'Neills, who also lived near Cincinnati.
_____ _____ _____ _____
Name: Karl Holst
Age: 32
First appears in: PART 20: “Communist Norway”
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Basic description: Karl is a Norwegian gantry crane operator (a longshoreman) in Oslo, Norway. He is single and never had been married. Being ethnic Norwegian, Karl has sandy-brown hair, brown eyes, and a clean-shaven face. He conducts secret Bible study meetings in the basement of apartment buildings or in the homes of friends.
Having been invaded by a neo-soviet Russia,* Norway is under the control of a communistic puppet government, which is secretly controlled by a neo-soviet Russian empire. In this new Norway, Karl still witnesses to non-Christians, meets with underground Christians, and tries to keep out from under the surveillance of the Norwegian secret police.
[*Note: It is not the intention of this story to make Russia, China, or any country look bad. This story is simply portraying what the future may look like based on prophetic words from God. This writer encourages you to seek God about this matter if you are wondering.]
Opening Location: Norway. Karl is first seen in Oslo, Norway having a secret Bible study in the basement of an apartment building.
_____ _____ _____ _____
Name: Mark Mzembi
Age: 32
First appears in: PART 11: “Mark Mzembi”
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Basic description: He is a Zimbabwean born in Zimbabwe but raised in both South Africa and Zimbabwe. He is somewhat tall and athletic with short hair and a clean-shaven face, and loves driving motorcycles. Mark Mzembi is single, having never been married. His parents divorced when he was 14. One lives in South Africa and the other in Zimbabwe. He moved back and forth between them during his childhood years.
Opening Location: South Africa. Mark was first seen driving down a highway in South Africa, having just left Zimbabwe where he had lived for some time. He was heading toward Johannesburg, South Africa, where his dad lives, since Zimbabwe, in this story, is experiencing an oppressive dictatorship under the leadership of Joseph Dashimba,* a communistic dictator. Mark will meet a wealthy Zulu farmer and land owner named Sizwe Mahlangu, who will help him out and befriend him.
[* Note: "Dashimba" is a made-up surname, but the other surnames are real.]
_____ _____ _____ _____
Name: Nguyen Duc Quang (Note: His given name is Quang. Nguyen is his surname.)
Age: 44
First appears in: PART 13: “The Nature of the Antichrist”
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Basic description: Quang is a Vietnamese man who travels through the jungles of Southeast Asia to meet Christians and help them escape from oppressive countries, such as Laos, Vietnam, and China. He guides them to cities of refuge in the jungle, where God provides for them in amazing ways.
Quang is athletic and has short hair and a clean-shaven face. He is good at living in jungles and relying on the Holy Spirit to help him escort other Christians to safety. Quang is single, and never was married. He became a disciple of Jesus while working in Hanoi as a taxi cab driver. While taxiing a compassionate Christian man, he heard the Gospel presented in a powerful and loving way. A few weeks later, Quang decided to make Jesus his Lord and Savior.
Opening Location: China. Quang is first seen in the Yunnan jungle of southern China carrying a backpack and a rolled-up sleeping bag.
_____ _____ _____ _____
Name: Quang (See Nguyen Duc Quang above.)
_____ _____ _____ _____
Age: 44
First appears in: PART 13: “The Nature of the Antichrist”
(Right click link and select "Open link in new tab.")
Basic description: Quang is a Vietnamese man who travels through the jungles of Southeast Asia to meet Christians and help them escape from oppressive countries, such as Laos, Vietnam, and China. He guides them to cities of refuge in the jungle, where God provides for them in amazing ways.
Quang is athletic and has short hair and a clean-shaven face. He is good at living in jungles and relying on the Holy Spirit to help him escort other Christians to safety. Quang is single, and never was married. He became a disciple of Jesus while working in Hanoi as a taxi cab driver. While taxiing a compassionate Christian man, he heard the Gospel presented in a powerful and loving way. A few weeks later, Quang decided to make Jesus his Lord and Savior.
Opening Location: China. Quang is first seen in the Yunnan jungle of southern China carrying a backpack and a rolled-up sleeping bag.
_____ _____ _____ _____
Name: Quang (See Nguyen Duc Quang above.)
_____ _____ _____ _____
Name: Sarah O’Neill
Age: 34
First appears in: PART 1: "Russian Winter"
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Basic description: Sarah is a brunette of average-height. She is in good physical health and is married to Steven O'Neill. They have no children at the time the story takes place. The O'Neills originally lived not far from Jason Harper in the Cincinnati, Ohio area before God translated them to Russia, where they met and became friends with Alexei Khlebov. (Read about how they met Alexei in the entry about Alexei Khlebov.) During their time in Cincinnati, Steven and Sarah worked as bakers.
Opening Location: Russia. Sarah was first seen in the wilderness of Siberia, traveling with Steven O’Neill, Jason Harper, and Alexei Khlebov to the village of Medvedski.
_____ _____ _____ _____
Name: Sergey Ulanov
Age: 54
First appears in: PART 1: "Russian Winter"
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Basic description: Sergey has brown hair and a thick, medium-length beard. He is a burly Russian man and is a retired blacksmith and a former mayor. He is single, having lost his wife to a tragic automobile accident some years ago. They had no children. He lives in a two-story house and has some chickens and a cat.
He was involved with underground Bible studies but began attending them on fewer occasions, since he was afraid of being arrested. Eventually, he stopped attending the Bible studies and just read the Bible for himself. Sergey tried to conceal his identity as a disciple of Jesus while he worked in his rented blacksmith shop on the outskirts of town.
His life quickly changed, for the better, after meeting Steve, Sarah, Jason, and his friend Alexei. Then, Sergey began to trust God more than he had before. His faith took off like an eagle mounting up into the air, and Sergey began to see mighty miracles happen.
Opening Location: Russia. First seen in the village of Medvedski, Russia (a fictional town) in Siberia.
_____ _____ _____ _____
Name: Sheng Guo
Age: 24
First appears in: PART 25: "Leaving for the Woods / Autocannon" (By the name Sheng. He appeared briefly in another chapter without a name.)
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Basic description: He is a former Chinese PLA soldier who turned to Jesus Christ for salvation after seeing a miraculous event take place in Part 18. He witnessed fire fall from heaven and consume evil men in order to protect God's people who are trusting God's Word. Not much is known about him at this time. He is of average build and is Han Chinese.
Opening Location: Sheng meets Hu, Quang, and Cheng Yuan in a dense Yunnan jungle, in southern China.
_____ _____ _____ _____
Name: Sizwe Mahlangu
Age: 43
First appears in: PART 11: “Mark Mzembi”
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Basic description: Sizwe is an ethnic Zulu who lives on a large, prosperous farm he owns in South Africa. He is of an average height and has short hair and a clean-shaven face. Sizwe is married to Martha Mahlangu, and has 2 sons and 3 daughters. Of those 5, a boy and a girl are adopted. He owns a two-story house, extensive farmland, a large farm, and several expensive farm vehicles, including newer tractors and a couple all-terrain vehicles.
Opening Location: South Africa. Sizwe is first seen in a South African town buying groceries at a grocery store several miles from his farm.
_____ _____ _____ _____
Name: Steven O’Neill
Age: 36
First appears in: PART 1: "Russian Winter"
(Right click link and select "Open link in new tab.")
Basic description: Steven has brown hair and a short beard. He is average-sized and somewhat fit, and is married to Sarah O'Neill. They have no children at the time the story takes place. The O'Neills originally lived not far from Jason Harper in the Cincinnati, Ohio area before God translated them to Russia, where they met and became friends with Alexei Khlebov. During their time in Cincinnati, Steven and Sarah worked as bakers. (Read about how they met Alexei in the entry about Alexei Khlebov.)
Opening Location: Russia. Steven was first seen in the wilderness of Siberia, traveling with Sarah O’Neill, Jason Harper, and Alexei Khlebov to the village of Medvedski.
_____ _____ _____ _____
Name: Toben Nenge
Age: 39
First appears in: PART 20: “Communist Norway”
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Basic description: Toben was born in Nigeria. He is a fairly tall and athletic Nigerian with a clean-shaven face and short hair. He was formerly a Muslim man who was married before he became a disciple of Jesus. He had no children.
[Note: This description will be more in-depth to give more background information about communist Norway and how Toben became friends with Karl.]
As a boy, Toben moved with his family to Abuja, Nigeria, the capital. He studied at the University of Abuja and graduated with a degree in Chemistry. During his time at the university, he met disciples of Jesus who convinced him that Jesus Christ is the Only way of salvation.
After making Jesus his Lord, and leaving Islam, Toben faced intense persecution and death-threats from his wife's family. His wife refused to leave Islam no matter how much he spoke to her about Jesus and how Jesus had given him great joy and peace. She could not accept that Jesus was more than a prophet.
Knowing his life was at stake, he fled Nigeria and moved to Germany, where he enrolled in the Humboldt University of Berlin. After obtaining a Master of Science degree in Chemistry, he applied for and quickly got a job at the University of Oslo.
Toben became friends with Karl Holst while both were attending the same church in Oslo: Oslo Bible Chapel (a fictional congregation). When Norway was captured by a neo-soviet Russia and was turned into a puppet government, under Russia's hidden control, Toben soon realized he couldn't continue going to Oslo Bible Chapel. The church leaders had quickly caved into intense pressure from the government, which wanted to control all the content of the sermons, and to have all the church members be registered with the state.
Toben knew that was only the beginning of greater persecution. Once the churches were required to report on their members and only preach sermons approved of by the state, Toben knew that those churches were no longer free or safe. He began meeting with Karl Holst and other disciples of Jesus in underground church meetings, and continued witnessing to non-Christians on an individual basis.
Opening Location: Norway. Toben Nenge is first seen in an apartment building basement in Oslo, Norway, participating in an underground church meeting with Karl Holst and other believers.
_____ _____ _____ _____
Name: Vasily Volvakov
Age: 60
First appears in: PART 1: "Russian Winter"
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Basic description: Vasily has brown hair that is graying at the temples, and grey stubble. Many years earlier, he had worked with Sergey Ulanov at a foundry. He lost his job at a foundry some years ago and decided to stay with a kind family in a village not too far from Medvedski.
He worked part time assisting farmers with tractor repairs and doing maintenance work until a fire burned down the house he was staying at. The fire consumed a few more homes, leaving several families homeless during the harsh, Siberian winter. They heard about how Sergey Ulanov had a two-story house which only he lived in.
Desperate for help, they sent a friend to ask him to kindly let them stay at his house. And, Sergey, being a Christian, agreed to let them stay. Vasily was one of the people who became Sergey's guests.
Vasily enters the story as a loyal communist and a non-Christian. Vasily is single. Not much else is known about his history at this time.
Opening Location: Russia. Vasily is first seen in the village of Medvedski, Russia (a fictional town) in Siberia.
_____ _____ _____ _____
Name: Wu Yang
Age: 22
First appears in: PART 43: ➤ “Meeting the PLA Soldier” // ➤ “Threat to the Underground Cavern”
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Basic description: Wu Yang is a former Chinese PLA soldier who turned to Jesus Christ for salvation after seeing a miraculous event take place in a Vietnamese jungle in Part 41. He saw a group of prisoners being miraculously delivered from their captors by God's intervention.
Wu Yang is Han Chinese, is athletic, and of average build. He has a taste for adventure and a hunger for God's Word.
Opening Location: He is first seen in Part 43, deep in a Vietnamese jungle, where he finds Sheng and some other Christians. He eagerly tells Sheng that he would like to be a follower of Jesus like Sheng was.
[*Note: It is not the intention of this story to make Russia, China, or any country look bad. This story is simply portraying what the future may look like based on prophetic words from God. This writer encourages you to seek God about this matter if you are wondering.]
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