The Marriage Supper Parable - A Cartoon with Sound Effects, Music, and Scripture - A Teaching of Jesus in Matthew 22

(See the PDF file here: .) The Marriage...

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Pilgrim’s Journey: Faith Challenged: BOOK 2 (Chapters 5 and 6) (A Novel / Allegory)

This is a novel and an allegorical story about some knights who travel on a quest to reach a beautiful kingdom called the Kingdom of Heaven. As they go, they encounter giants, evil knights, swamps, perils, cliffs, dungeons, castles, evil Medieval lords, traps, dark forests, cunning enemies, and powerful weapons. They must fight for their lives and overcome all obstacles with the use of their weapons and armor, namely the Sword of the Spirit, and the Shield of Faith, and the power of God. 

Pilgrim’s Journey: The Quest for Heaven

- BOOK 2 -

Faith Challenged

- A Novel / Allegory -

By: Justin Brown (a pen name)
Date Created: Jan. 23, 2019

Chapter 5

Preaching in the Town Square

“You men and women of Insipidity, God is lovingly calling out to you with a message of warning,” Markus Christian said loudly as he stood on a wooden speaking platform in the middle of the large, town square. “Judgment is about to fall on your town for the evil of your doings–your idolatry, blasphemy, adultery, and rejecting God’s messengers, and for seeking to kill His prophets.”

Villagers were gathered around the wooden platform in all directions. Men, women, and children of all ages were watching Markus, Henry, and Andrew standing on the platform and speaking. Many spectators were hissing and booing. But, others were paying close attention. As this was taking place, four of the pilgrims stood at the rear of the crowd, feeling nervous about what might happen next.

Sunday, February 17, 2019

Pilgrim’s Journey: Faith Challenged: BOOK 2 (Chapters 3 and 4) (A Novel / Allegory)

This is a novel and an allegorical story about some knights who travel on a quest to reach a beautiful kingdom called the Kingdom of Heaven. As they go, they encounter giants, evil knights, swamps, perils, cliffs, dungeons, castles, evil Medieval lords, traps, dark forests, cunning enemies, and powerful weapons. They must fight for their lives and overcome all obstacles with the use of their weapons and armor, namely the Sword of the Spirit, and the Shield of Faith, and the power of God. 

Pilgrim’s Journey: The Quest for Heaven

- BOOK 2 -

Faith Challenged

- A Novel / Allegory -

By: Justin Brown (a pen name)
Date Created: Jan. 23, 2019

Chapter 3

Knights Come

Just then, a sound came from some yards away, and Markus turned his head to see many knights with gold-colored armor charging toward the giant. They had drawn swords and raised shields. Each wore a close helm with a lowered visor. [Close helm: See Chapter 1 for a description of a close helm.]

The giant turned to face them and removed his foot from Markus’s chest. As he did, Markus attempted to stand to his feet, but he felt wounded, and it was painful to move.

Fifty golden knights began attacking the giant with determination and strength. As they struck him in the legs and from behind, the giant swung at them with his hammer, but it bounced off their round shields. He tried his scythe, but it was not as useful in close quarters. So, he soon began to retreat, feeling slightly overwhelmed by the 50 men-at-arms.
[Man-at-arms: A heavy armed and armored medieval soldier or knight.]

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Pilgrim’s Journey: Faith Challenged: BOOK 2 (Chapters 1 and 2) (A Novel / Allegory)

This is a novel and an allegorical story about some knights who travel on a quest to reach a beautiful kingdom called the Kingdom of Heaven. As they go, they encounter giants, evil knights, swamps, perils, cliffs, dungeons, castles, evil Medieval lords, traps, dark forests, cunning enemies, and powerful weapons. They must fight for their lives and overcome all obstacles with the use of their weapons and armor, namely the Sword of the Spirit, and the Shield of Faith, and the power of God. 

Pilgrim’s Journey: The Quest for Heaven

- BOOK 2 -

Faith Challenged

- A Novel / Allegory -

By: Justin Brown (a pen name)
Date Created: Jan. 23, 2019

Chapter 1


Markus Christian and his friends had set out on a journey toward Heaven in the first part of this story. Along the way, they had met up with some other pilgrims who assisted them in fighting many giants, and overcoming obstacles. They had passed through dangerous places, a deadly swamp, underground passageways, dark forests, and on giant-infested land.

All the while, they had seen God’s power manifested in various ways to assist them in overcoming foes too great for them. The power of darkness was manifested in various ways in the first part, but in this second part, you will see how these pilgrims in shining armor face new challenges, new foes, and deadly enemies. You will see how they either rely on God or turn their own way. You will see how grace will give them the power to overcome all obstacles. Or, by rejecting God’s grace, you will see how some of them forsake the truth and sadly perish.

Join us as we present to you the further adventures of Markus Christian, Andrew Strong-heart, Henry Willow, and their companions in Pilgrim’s Journey: Part 2: Faith Challenged.

Azul Cielo Mountains

After successfully repelling the attacks of the giants (See Chapter 8 of Part 1), the band of seven pilgrim knights continued walking down the path through the dense, hardwood forest. Dappled sunlight gleamed off their silvery armor as they traveled for some distance beneath the leafy canopy of oak, beech, and maple trees. Several hours later, the uneventful day came to a close and the men settled down for the night.

The second day passed by, uneventful, and saw them put more miles under their feet. But, on the third day, the pilgrims noticed that the path was climbing a hill toward a mountain range, which rose high above the surrounding terrain, majestic and beautiful.